Tuesday 10 January 2023

Travel Creatively Reimagined: Booking.com’s Seven Travel Predictions for 2023

Photo Credit: Glamping Out
People around the world are feeling overwhelmingly more optimistic about travelling in 2023 compared to 2022. Despite some current instability felt globally, over three quarters (76%) of Aussies report that travelling will always be worth it.

If 2022 was about the triumphant return of travel, 2023 will be about creatively reimagining it amidst the chaos. Nothing will be off limits, and everything is on the menu as everyone seeks to find the right balance in a world of contradictions.

To understand how travel will be reimagined in 2023, Booking.com commissioned extensive research with more than 24,000 travellers across 32 countries and territories,1 combining it with its insights as a leading digital travel platform to reveal seven emerging travel predictions. The 2023 travel predictions reflect this sentiment, revealing that the needs of travellers are moving in a lot of different directions to adapt to changing times. 

1. Preppers in Paradise

Camouflaged cabins, campfire cuisine and compasses; going off-grid will never be more sought after than in 2023. Almost half (44%) of Aussie travellers want their travel experiences to have a more back-to-basics feel and are looking for ‘off-grid’ style holidays to escape from reality (62%) and switch off and experience life with only the bare necessities (44%). Travellers are also keen to use travel in 2023 as an opportunity to learn survival skills (61%) including how to source clean water (46%), light a fire from scratch (47%), forage for food in the wild (36%) and even prep for an apocalypse (39%).

Expect to see more eco-friendly, earthly stays springing up to accommodate burnt-out city dwellers searching for simplicity, as well as accommodations offering guidance for guests on how to be more self-sufficient, like sourcing and preparing their own meals during their stay. ‘Off-grid’ in 2023 won’t necessarily mean roughing it though. There is a common perception that this means giving up luxuries (69%), however there is a strong desire to combine the two with 55% only considering travelling ‘off-grid’ if it can be at a more indulgent stay.

2. Virtual Voyagers

Over a third (38%) of Aussie travellers report that they will be turning to virtual reality next year to inspire their holiday choices, where travel will enter the ever-evolving 3D virtual space of the Metaverse in earnest in 2023. With over a third (34%) of travellers keen to embark on a multi-day VR or AR travel experience, the Metaverse will be more than ‘try before you buy’; it will educate, entertain, and inspire people, opening the door for infinite adventure.

In 2023, travellers will become bolder in their real-life trip choices, after being able to visit them in the Metaverse first via their online avatars – especially handy for those who might feel anxious about trying somewhere new, with 41% more likely to travel to destinations that they wouldn’t have previously considered after virtually experiencing them. While the Metaverse will offer a new way to experience travel in the year ahead, it still won’t stop people from booking a ticket to their next destination, as 64% believe that a virtual experience is not fulfilling enough to check it off the bucket list.

3. Delight in the Discomfort Zone

Whether it’s bottled-up energy, pent-up frustration or a new lease on life, the world is ready to dive into other cultures and new experiences headfirst. Almost half (47%) of Aussie travellers want to experience complete culture shock in 2023 – be it travelling somewhere with completely different cultural experiences and languages (45%).

Forget the usual favourites, in 2023 Aussie travellers will be seeking unique holidays that shock, surprise and delight. With over half (66%) looking forward to experiencing ‘out of comfort zone’ travel that pushes them to the limits. Nearly half (42%) are on the hunt for the world’s most exotic delicacy such as the hottest chilli pepper, while 37% want to use their holiday for extra-terrestrial exploration on UFO or alien spotting tours. Unsurprisingly, this ‘culture shook’ traveller is also partial to throwing caution to the wind, with over a quarter (26%) one way ticket in 2023 and following their instinct wherever it takes them.

4. Glamorising the Good ol’ Days

Photo Credit: History Fangirl
Amid global instability and the desire for escapism, people intend to carve out travel experiences that harken back to simpler times, with nostalgic getaways (86%) that provide the thrill of reliving the glory days top Aussie wish lists in 2023. There’s a desire to disappear into the romanticism of a pre-digital era, with a quarter (25%) of travellers chasing experiences that evoke (faux) emotive memories of days gone past, such as visiting landmarks or attractions featured in iconic retro films or opting for a bus as a primary mode of transport to live the group spirit of school trips.

Travellers are no longer forfeiting play in favour of rest and relaxation, increasingly seeking the adrenaline rush of theme parks (62%) and drawing on the imagination with activities such as escape rooms, scavenger hunts and building fortresses with giant building blocks.

With millennials now the parents of young kids, they will be first to book emerging era-themed accommodation that transport them back to a time they hold close to their hearts and will likely be doing so with family by their side (54%) with ‘family reunion’ multi-generational trips top of the travel agenda in 2023.

5. Peace and Pleasure Pilgrimages

Travel is set to take ‘mind, body and soul’ wellness to the next level in 2023. Seeking to recenter the mind, meditation and mindfulness getaways are ever popular with Aussie travellers (45%), silent retreat and more than two fifths (39%) are keen, transformative health or that helps with life milestones such as menopause or pregnancy. For those seeking enhanced spiritual experiences to stir the soul, alternative substances such as cannabis or plant-based psychedelics like ayahuasca or mushrooms will become a more mainstream offering, with 39% keen.

Increasing conversations in the public sphere around sexual wellbeing, pleasure and orientation are encouraging more people to take time away on an erotic escape (34%). Polyamorous retreats, bondage camps and resorts dedicated to helping people discreetly delve into specific fetishes and kinks are predicted to become more mainstream in 2023, providing a safe space for travellers to explore their sexual desires away from home.

6. From Daily Grind to Great Company Escape

A step change from the ‘work from anywhere’ policies that are now almost as commonplace as annual leave, employees are increasingly keen to preserve holiday time for complete escapism. A significant amount (70%) of Aussies want their trips to be strictly work free in 2023, and while more than half (55%) are not interested in working while away, they would consider clocking in for a company retreat or trip.

As such, travelling for business will be back on the agenda in 2023. But unlike the business trips BC (before COVID), employees are seeking more opportunities to build team camaraderie in real life – and away from the office – reflecting a growing demand to incorporate work travel with productive play. In fact, almost half (46%) of Aussies would like to see their employer use the money saved from the shift to remote/hybrid working models spent on corporate travel or retreats.

7. Saving to Splurge

With the background of global economic uncertainty, travellers in 2023 will continue to prioritise travel but will be more mindful over how to make the most of their travel budget and what takes precedence. Aussies will still place carefree getaways at the top of their agenda, with over half (52%) of travellers saying that investing in a holiday remains a top priority for them. But being budget conscious is key, with seven in ten (71%) travellers continuing to spotlight travel while seeking more bang for their buck.

2023 will see financially savvy itinerary curation at its finest, with people planning travel budgets more tightly by taking advantage of deals, hacks and smartly timed travel (70%) prioritising value for money with discounts and loyalty programs (62%). Over half of travellers believe the best use of their budget is to opt for one or two longer holidays instead of several short breaks and many are also surprisingly prepared to dial up their spend on the components of their trip that mean the most to them. Half (50%) admit that they plan to be more indulgent in their spending, while 46% maximise their trip and every experience is worth it.

Photo Credit: Xinhuanet
Melissa Ellison, Area Manager Australia at Booking.com comments: “If the last few years have taught us anything it’s that travel should not be taken for granted. This year’s travel predictions research shows the undercurrent of intentional paradoxical behaviours that will put us all more comfortably in the driving seat amid relentless instability. It also demonstrates a desire for travel to be a way to seek unapologetic moments of happiness and escapism to counteract the heavy realities of our news feeds. As such, at Booking.com our aim will continue to be to make it easier for everyone to seek their unique travel bliss in a more personalised and connected way in the year ahead and beyond.”

*Source: Booking.com Australian Press Office; Red Havas bookingau@redhavas.com

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