Saturday 7 January 2023

Here’s some Bonza news for ya

Australia’s newest airline Bonza is coming to Newcastle Airport!

Bonza, Australia’s newest low-cost independent airline, is getting closer to wheels up and will be turning the skies purple with low-cost airfares very soon. Bonza will connect Newcastle Airport to the Sunshine Coast with four flights per week, and to the Whitsundays Coast twice weekly.

Since launching in February 2022, the team at Bonza has been working hard to get the airline ready for take-off and while they await CASA approval, plenty of work has been happening in the background.

In May the airline launched a nationwide search for a bunch of local legends to represent and help promote the airline, and in June the first ever ‘wear it your way’ uniform was unveiled. Featuring on-trend white custom sneakers, cotton t-shirts, and a splash of purple throughout, the idea is to let the Bonza legends' personalities shine through with the ability to mix and match based on where they are travelling, their personality, and their mood on the day.

More recently, Bonza had their IATA code confirmed – when you’re flying with Bonza you’ll be on flight ‘AB’ – and welcomed three new aircraft to their home base on the Sunshine Coast. Shazza, Bazza and Sheila are busy performing test flights up and down the east coast, and more aircraft are expected to land soon.

Bonza also announced their all-Aussie, on-demand in-flight menu with standout items including brewskies from Heaps Normal, The Handmade Food Co Pty Ltd snag in a bag, and - our favourite - choccies from Mildura Chocolate Company that don't just taste good, they *do* good. The best part? With no trolleys onboard, your food will be delivered directly to your seat after ordering on the Fly Bonza app.

Speaking of the app – this is where you’ll be able to book your flights and check in! Now's the time to get your thumb out and download the app so you’ll be ready to go when Bonza takes off in the new year. It's going to be the only place to book direct and is available via the Apple app store or Google Play.

To be among the first to know when the new Bonza flights to the Whitsunday's Coast and the Sunshine Coast go on sale, head straight to the bottom of this page and complete the form. Don't forget to tell us where you would like Bonza to fly to next!

*Source: Newcastle Airport Pty Limited

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