Thursday 15 September 2022

Victoria Tourism Industry Council: Bendigo, Port Fairy and Mt Macedon winners in Australia's Top Tourism Awards

Bendigo has been awarded the silver prize in the 2022 Top Tourism Town Awards, with Port Fairy and Mt Macedon both taking out Bronze in the Small Tourism Town and Tiny Tourism Town categories. 

The town of Mudgee in New South Wales won the major national award of Top Tourism Town, Exmouth in Western Australia took out the Gold for Top Small Tourism Town, with Sheffield in Tasmania winning Silver, and Victoria's Port Fairy winning Bronze. 

The Top Tiny Tourism Town was won by Strahan, Tasmania, with Winton in Queensland gaining Silver. 

Almost 150 towns from across Australia entered the awards, celebrating excellence in the tourism industry. Victoria Tourism Industry Council CEO Felicia Mariani said all three of Victoria's finalists won an award in each of their respective categories, the best performance of any state. 

“Congratulations to the dedicated teams from Bendigo, Port Fairy and Mount Macedon. This national recognition is well-deserved and we’re all so proud of you. 

“Regional Victoria is known for its unique tourism offerings featuring the best of our cultural, naturebased and culinary experiences. It is great to see the effort of our winners recognised as they continue to build their reputations as must-visit destinations for tourists.” 

Regional Victoria has an opportunity to create legacy tourism projects as it prepares to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games. VTIC has made several recommendations including developing a Commonwealth Games Visitor Servicing Strategy in its State Election Platform #tourismmatters. 

Port Fairy 
“Regional Victoria will shine on the global stage during the 2026 Victoria Commonwealth Games, and in particular, silver winner Bendigo will have a starring role as one of the four hubs hosting events. VTIC is looking forward to working with organisers to assist in planning for quality accommodation, servicing and transport needed to manage up to 40,000 visitors that are expected to travel to each of the four regions.”

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