Thursday 8 September 2022

Bringing Joy to Travellers - Kyoto's Official Guide 'Matching' Service

Finding the right guide to Kyoto can help to unlock deeper meaning and understanding of this beautiful part of Japan. 

Kyoto Visitors Hosts (KVH) has a website 'matching' travellers with professional Interpreter Guides to suit their needs and interests in Kyoto. 

These local certified Guides are highly skilled and able to communicate the deep attraction of the Kyoto region and are specialist in many disciplines.

The Kyoto Certified Interpreter Guide (Kyoto City Visitors Hosts) “matching” site helps travelers find professional interpreter guides specializing in Kyoto.

Enter the date you would like a guide, the language (English, Chinese, French, or Spanish), the desired topic, and any other specific information to search for an available interpreter guide. We currently have 153 registered guides.

Select your preferred guide to discuss specific travel plans, sites to visit, and other details.
Our guides are guaranteed to provide a special touch to your trip to Kyoto.

(Simple registration is required for first-time users.) This service is also available to corporations.

Secretariat of the City of Kyoto Visitors Host

Kyoto City Tourism Association
8F Yasaka Kawaramachi Bldg,
384 Ichinofunairi-cho, Kawaramachi Nijo-sagaru,
Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-0924, Japan
TEL +81-75-213-0070 FAX +81-75-213-1011
9:00〜17:00 weekdays only

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