Monday 4 July 2022

The Magnificent Kitsuki Castle

Explore the local buddhist culture, well-preserved samurai districts, and magnificent castle of Oita Prefecture's Kunisaki Peninsula.

The Rokugo Manzan is a sacred area that is home to many temples and shrines in the peninsula since the 8th century. 

One of the most well-known shrines there is Usa Shrine, the head shrine of thousands of shrines across Japan dedicated to Hachiman, God of archery and war.
In the south of the peninsula, explore the city of Kitsuki with its lovely, well-preserved samurai districts and the Kitsuki Castle, said to be the smallest castle in Japan. 

Built in 1394, the castle stands on top of a plateau and offers amazing views of the Seto Inland Sea. 

Within the castle grounds is a small museum containing artefacts of belongings of past feudal lords.
Find out what you can do around Kitsuki:
#JNTOSG #Tradition

Japan National Tourism Organization
Instagram: visitjapansg

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