Monday 4 April 2022

Regenerative Tourism - Creating Ripples of Change

Regenerative tourism can be challenging to both explain, and quite often to say!

Regenerative tourism isn’t new, just the label is. Thus, for many people and cultures it is a logical and tradition-based partnership between destination and visitor.

Regenerative tourism reflects a mindset and future vision.
Intent, empathy and awareness are all important, and realising that as members of the tourism industry, we have a wonderful opportunity to make positive change through tourism. In particular, through the tourism exchange between visitor and host.

Where the visitor, through respectful, mutual interaction with the local community, environment and culture, plays a part in an uplifting tourism experience that has wider, long-lasting benefits. There’s the dictionary definition out of the way!

As well as the importance of intent, empathy and awareness, it is also important to avoid taking a possessive, ‘me against my competition’ approach. Collectively, we have a precious gem in our care.

The more it is rubbed, the brighter it sparkles.
We need to take pride that we are all part of an industry and community, namely tourism, that has an opportunity to make positive, generational change. Regenerative tourism is about collaboration with multiple partners. The ingredients and outcomes are so diverse, dynamic and endless that we need to share with, and support, our industry fellowship.

For us at The Walshe Group, when we are creating a regenerative tourism experience, we look for three elements:
  • PEOPLE - Who care and have a strong sense of community spirit.
  • A PLACE - Which is treasured by those who live there and those who want to visit.
  • A PURPOSE - A community led vision for the benefit of future generations.
  • Integrated within this is the identification and fostering (working with our community and environmental partners) of young leaders who will be the key drivers of the future. By integrating such a future leadership programme, regenerative tourism can truly create dynamic and perpetual change.

Just like the people and place, the visitor also needs to be enriched.

People choose to travel to experience new destinations and to seek exchanges with the local culture. More often than not, regenerative tourism experiences take the visitor to the grassroots of a community. To be part of something that is special to that community. Somewhere unique and often culturally significant.

Visitors feel uplifted and enriched by being part of something special and unique where the engagement is truly local and valued. Many visitors take these life-changing behaviours and learnings back with them to their own home.

As members of the tourism industry, we have an exciting opportunity to create positive change through tourism. However you describe the meaning of regenerative tourism, you will know when you have it defined, because for all those involved, it will feel right!

More about The Walshe Group and DitO
At The Walshe Group we are aiming to make positive change, through tourism. Our DitO entity stands for Drop in the Ocean and is inspiring our initiatives in the field of regenerative tourism.

We are developing tourism experiences that create wider, long-lasting benefits to the environment, community and local culture, as well as providing an enriching, sometimes life-changing, experience for the visitor. Our DitO strategy includes the fostering of youth ambassadors to help create generational change.

We truly believe that even one drop can create a ripple of change.

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