Tuesday 5 April 2022

Planning a safe Easter travel adventure with your pet

Four long days off, perfect autumn weather and an abundance of parks, reserves, campsites and dog friendly accommodation options; there really is no better time than Easter to escape for a mini getaway with your pet.

According to the latest report from Animal Medicines Australia , the pet holiday market is 1 booming with 25% of all pet owners revealing that they take their animal companions on holidays or road trips, including 35% of dog owners.

Whether you’re road tripping or flying, camping or staying in accommodation with your pet over Easter, PETstock PETschool State Trainer Mandi Wright has compiled her top tips to ensure your getaway is a success.

Road tripping with pets
When travelling in the car with your pet, check your local state laws for pet restraint requirements. 

If it’s not required by law, restraining your pet in the car enhances safety for your pet and other passengers. 

Making sure your buddy is secure by travelling with a drive harness and anchor, pet carrier or cargo barrier installed will ensure you and your pet’s safety during transit. 

Pets can’t distract you with the typical ‘are we there yet?’ questions, but there are other signs your pet can give you to let you know when they’re feeling uncomfortable or bored. 

Regular pit stops with rest areas to stretch legs and toilet breaks should be mapped out in advance. 

Flying with pets 
If you’re jet-setting with your furry friend this Easter, it’s essential to take the necessary precautions to guarantee their flying experience goes as smoothly as possible. 

To ensure your pet is flight-ready, take your pet to the vet for a check-up. The vet will assess your pet’s health and make sure their vaccinations, worming and flea and tick treatments are up-to-date. 

If you have a particularly anxious or hyperactive dog and you’re nervous about travelling with them, it’s also a good idea to ask your vet for something to help them feel calm. 

On the day of your flight, go for a walk or play with your pet before heading off to the airport to tire them out. Make sure you pack their leash, any comfort items, toys, food, and medication that they may need for the trip. 

Pet-friendly accommodation 
Many travellers cannot bear the thought of a holiday without their furry friend. Luckily, pet friendly travel and accommodation options are on the rise, with more than 12,000 pet-friendly listings on accommodation platform AirBnB . 

If you’re planning to stay in a pet-friendly holiday home, it’s important to ensure your pet is comfortable and calm in their new surroundings. 

When dogs and cats move away from their usual environment, they feel as though they are separated from their ‘space’ or ‘territory’ and can become anxious. 

This anxiety can be characterised with signs of distress including destruction to the home, pacing, excessive barking, digging, or even attempting to escape.

In saying that, it's a good idea to allow your pet to reorient themselves and explore their new surroundings when you first arrive at your accommodation. 

Be sure to bring along your dog’s regular bedding, water bowl, leash, treats, toys, and any other necessary equipment. 

Also, dogs thrive on routine, so keep to your pet's regular schedule as much as possible. 

Campsite safety 
Before you venture out, make sure your campsite is dog-friendly, and schedule a vet appointment to confirm your buddy is up to date with vaccinations and worming. 

To ensure that your dog has a safe and comfortable holiday, pack and prepare for the unexpected with extra food, medication and emergency supplies. 

As dogs are not allowed to be off leash at most campsites, it’s also best to take a ground stake and extra-long lead so they can roam freely as possible. 

Snakes are common in Australia and can make your pet dangerously ill. 

Do not let your dog explore holes, high grass and rocks around the campsite where snakes like to rest. Symptoms of a snake bite include lethargy, drooling, wobbliness and vomiting. 

If you suspect your dog may have been bitten by a snake, seek veterinary attention immediately

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