Saturday 5 March 2022


With severe weather conditions forecast for NSW over the next 48 hours, the Taronga Wildlife Hospital is preparing for an influx of cases and is asking the public to be on the lookout for injured or displaced wildlife.

Taronga has enacted its Wildlife Emergency Response Plan and is ready to act, from treating wildlife in its hospitals to working collaboratively with its partners to prepare to assist in the field if required.

Taronga’s two Wildlife Hospitals are open seven days a week and provide vital emergency assistance to all kinds of sick and injured native animals. Taronga also extends this support to other wildlife clinics that may need to evacuate as a result of flooding.

“Flood and storm events are incredibly dangerous, and people should keep themselves safe as a first priority, but in the event of finding injured or displaced wildlife, anyone can bring them to Taronga for care,” says Libby Hall, Taronga’s Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Coordinator.

“Heavy rainfall and storm events impact all wildlife, but are particularly challenging for birds, small mammals and young or dispersing animals,” Libby says. “Birds can be adversely impacted by high winds, lowered food resources, lack of shelter and are often found cold and waterlogged, while small mammals and monotremes such as bandicoots, possums and echidnas are also vulnerable, with younger animals at increased risk.”

“As immediate flooding abates, wildlife in freshwater river systems such as Platypus will also be vulnerable and may be in need of assistance,” says Libby. “In the instance that a member of the public does come across wildlife needing assistance, there’s some very specific things they can do to help [included below].”

The International Panel on Climate Change yesterday released its Sixth Assessment Report, offering a stark warning of the increased in frequency of extreme weather events including bushfires and floods as well as increasing temperatures, rising sea levels and heatwaves.

Over the past few years, Taronga’s experts have refined their skills in wildlife crisis response, lending expertise and support to drought, bushfires, mass mortalities and disease events.

With the impacts of climate change and habitat loss being felt across Australia with increasing frequency, Taronga’s expertise will likely be called upon more and more often to save some of our nations most threatened wildlife.

Support Taronga’s two Wildlife Hospitals as they provide sick and injured wildlife with the best possible care. Donate today.

Tips for Helping Wildlife
Taronga Wildlife Hospital shares important information for anyone who finds a native animal that is unwell, injured or in need of assistance in this flood and storm event.

1. Put your own safety first
Consider your own safety when approaching wildlife that may be injured. Be aware of ongoing danger from flood waters and fallen trees and only attempt to rescue animals if it is safe to do so.

2. Be on the lookout
While it’s important to remain mindful of your own safety and not search directly for wildlife in impacted areas, as conditions ease, be on the lookout for wildlife who may be injured or in need of assistance.

3. Handle with care
An animal may be semi-conscious and may rouse when you touch it. To protect yourself, wear gloves or use a towel or T-shirt to pick it up.

4. Exercise caution
Avoid handling potentially dangerous animals, such as snakes, or animals that carry infectious diseases, like grey-headed flying foxes – these animals should only be handled by trained wildlife rescuers.

5. Transport
Transporting animals, even short distances, can be very stressful for them. Help them stay calm by placing them in a cardboard box lined with soft towels. The box should be well ventilated, with air holes in its sides. If you find more than one animal, keep them in separate boxes. Place the box on the back seat with lots of space around it, away from other passengers. Keep the car warm (around 26 degrees) and quiet – turn off the music, try not to talk loudly and leave your pets at home.

6. Seek expert assistance
Take the animal to a wildlife hospital, such as Taronga Wildlife Hospital, or give it to a Wildlife Rescue group as you can. If you cannot take it to a wildlife hospital immediately, keep it in a warm, quiet and dark place in your home off the floor and do not disturb it.

7. Keep your distance
Although they look cute, it’s important to remember native wildlife are not pets. It’s unlikely they are used to human interaction. They will be stressed by being handled and do not know you are helping them.

8. Be aware and observe
Take note of whether an animal was moving, lying down or limping away when you found it. These observations are very helpful to the vets and nurses examining the animal on arrival at the hospital and can aid in its treatment.

9. Do not offer the animal any food
Providing food for free-living native wildlife is generally not recommended as it can lead to serious, unintended harm. Additionally, if any animal needs treatment under anaesthetic it will need to have an empty stomach. If you must keep the animal overnight, you can leave a small shallow dish of water in its box but don’t force it to drink.

10. Offer respite
If an animal is not injured, it may be more appropriate to provide temporary respite or shelter to allow them to dry out and recuperate. Try to keep your distance from wildlife, refrain from offering food and keep household pets secure.

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