Tuesday 1 February 2022

The 21st Meeting of the ASEAN+3 Tourism Ministers

On 19 January, in the framework of ATF 2022, Cambodia and the Republic of Korea co-chaired the 21st Meeting of the ASEAN+3 (ASEAN, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers. Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr. Doan Van Viet led Vietnam delegation attended the meeting.

At the meeting, delegations exchanged information and views on mitigation measures undertaken by the ASEAN+3 (APT) members and discussed ways to prepare the region for reopening of the tourism sector. Accordingly, member countries have continued to implement the APT Tourism Cooperation Work Plan 2021-2025 to further strengthen the cooperation among the APT countries in recovery efforts.

Under the ASEAN-China tourism cooperation, the meeting applauded China for the convening of Month of ASEAN Culture and Tourism (May 2021), ASEAN-China Culture and Tourism Exhibition (June 2021), and 2021 ASEAN-China Culture and Tourism Week (December 2021).

The meeting expressed appreciation for Japan’s support to promote ASEAN tourism destinations via the new website (https://travel.asean.org.jp/) and the provision of the training programme on non-personal interpretation utilising the digital tools for the ASEAN tourist guides, site managers and officials in December 2021.

The meeting noted with appreciation the ROK’s continued support and active participation in the ASEAN-ROK tourism cooperation activities, including ASEAN Tourism Promotional Pavilion on 24-27 June 2021 in Seoul, ROK, and ASEAN Weekly Highlights.

In the framework of meeting, member countries welcomed the endorsement of the ASEAN Guidelines for Hygiene and Safety for Professionals and the Communities in the Tourism Industry and the launching of a “safe & warm travel stamp” to increase the trust and confidence of the international travellers to visit the region when it reopens.

From November 2021, Vietnam has pilot plan to reopen international tourism to Vietnam with the first delegation from Korea. From January 2022, Vietnam has also restored regular international flight routes to a number of countries and territories, in which routes to Japan and South Korea has been operated weekly and routes to China and some other countries to be restored as soon as possible.

Tourism Information Technology Center
Tags: Meeting of the ASEAN+3 Tourism Ministers, ATF 2022,

The Holiday and Travel Magazine

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

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