Thursday 3 February 2022

How can Vietnam attract international visitors?

Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang Province
Vietnam will continue to welcome international visitors in 2022. Ambassadors and representatives of travel agencies from many countries expect to restore flight routes and exchange visitors with the Vietnamese market.

Thai tourists love to visit Vietnam
"Vietnam has opened its doors to foreign tourists in some pilot areas, by establishing safety measures according to health conditions and standards.

This is an opportunity for tour operators around the world to return to selling tours to Vietnam, especially Thai tourists who love to travel to Vietnam," said Ratiwan Boonprakhong, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (Ho Chi Minh Office).

The Vietnamese government as well as tourism businesses need to use information technology to communicate with tourists. For tourism products and services, it is necessary to focus on presenting the unique points, natural features and local experiences, that are the strengths of Vietnam.

Vietnam needs to emphasize building trust in safe tourism management and public health measures, from the first process on arrival to the final process when tourists leave.

To resume tourism activities between Vietnam and Thailand, Ratiwan Boonprakhong said that if possible, some quarantine measures for tourists should be relaxed, allowing Vietnamese tourists to travel internationally. It is also necessary to reduce regulations as well as isolation time, with the condition that the pandemic situation of both countries and the world can be controlled. Vietnam can start to relax measures at the level of ASEAN countries, starting from Vietnam's major tourist cities having the opportunity to receive foreign tourists, such as the places where Vietnam is piloting.

Wedding tourism is a new opportunity for Vietnam and India
Vietnam and India both have potential tourist destinations. India has implemented many initiatives to facilitate tourists, including opening its doors to international visitors from November 15, 2021.

India is also promoting tourism promotion, during the recovery of the country and the normalization of world travel, including flights between Vietnam and India.

Recently, the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City and the People's Committee of Kien Giang province held a webinar "Wedding tourism in India & Vietnam."

Pranay Verma, Indian Ambassador to Vietnam, said wedding tourism will bring new opportunities, and tourism helps the relationship between the two countries develop. The more people from India come to Vietnam or vice versa, the more solid a foundation is built for the relationship of the two countries.

Kerala (India) and Kien Giang (Vietnam) have the potential to cooperate in wedding tourism, which also opens up greater opportunities for both countries.

A wedding party by an Indian billionaire couple held
at JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay Resort & Spa
in Phu Quoc Island district, Kien Giang province.
"The start of the direct route between Vietnam and India in 2019 was a positive step forward, but has been interrupted by Covid-19. We hope that when the situation returns to normal and the route will be restored, promoting tourism between the two countries," said Ambassador Pranay Verma.

According to Jyoti Mayal, president of the Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI), Vietnam is a country close to India and possesses a developed tourism infrastructure, beautiful beaches and destinations. Therefore, TAAI really wants to promote Vietnam as a famous wedding venue in the world and in India.

Customer-centric approach
"After the Covid-19 pandemic, the tourism industry should choose a 'customer-centric' approach," said Yoshida Kenji, JNTO representative in Vietnam.

There is no point in understanding customer needs without a tourism product that can meet those expectations. Therefore, it is necessary to combine multiple approaches. Vietnam has a lot of attractive attractions. Therefore, promoting on social media platforms, or with videos will be effective.

"Although it depends on the pandemic in both Vietnam and Japan, JNTO hopes that the two-way tourism exchange will recover as soon as possible to the number before Covid-19," Yoshida Kenji said.

Singapore and Vietnam
Sherleen Seah, representative of Singapore Tourism Board (STB) in Vietnam, said that in STB's recent survey on tourism demand with more than 2,000 Vietnamese people nationwide, most said they put more emphasis on safety as well as an authentic and enriching experience, especially in the 20-40 year old age group. A lot of people really want to travel abroad, but going to a nearby destination is enough to satisfy their needs.

Currently, Singapore opens a travel corridor for "vaccine passport holders" to 24 countries, and most of them are two-way. This will not only help revive the aviation and tourism industries from the heavy impact of the pandemic, but also help the whole economy. This is one step closer to a slow but safe recovery. STB is also happy to see that Vietnam has started the recovery process.

"We hope that the two governments quickly review the vaccination certificate and approve it so that airlines can start flights between Singapore and Vietnam. Passengers from all over the world visiting Singapore can also come and visit the beautiful country of Vietnam," said Sherleen Seah.
Source: Vietnam Times

The Holiday and Travel Magazine

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

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