Friday 16 September 2022

Hue City sightseeing by convertible double-decker bus

The highlight of the bus is the famous tourism
images of Hue shown on its body
On the morning of August 27, Vietnam - Hanoi Tourism Joint Stock Company cooperated with the Provincial Department of Tourism to organize an experience trip to explore Hue City by a convertible double-decker bus for visitors, as well as media and press agencies.

The convertible double-decker bus has its own design, with the main color being red associated with the color of Hue royal court. The bus provides an automatic narration system in nine languages that will help visitors understand more about famous and unique tourist attractions, which cannot be missed when visiting Hue.

During the experience trip, the bus departs at Toa Kham Wharf and takes visitors to fresh and green roads, unique and attractive tourist attractions of Hue such as Hue University of Education, Dong Ba Market, Phu Van Lau area, Thien Mu Pagoda, Quoc Hoc High School for the Gifted, etc. The bus halts, picks up and drops off visitors at various stops, the other bus will pick up visitors after every 30 minutes.

The special feature of the bus is roofless, thanks to that, visitors will have a chance to experience the scenery of Hue City, which is ancient, fresh and green, familiar but also strange_a city ​​with rich history, cultural stories and impressive architecture. When taking part in the trip, each visitor is given a typical conical hat of Hue, making it different from other destinations in the country. The bus runs at a slow speed so that visitors will have enough time to pose for "checking-in" photos at the tourist attractions, where the bus passes by.

In the first phase, the service operator will launch two pilot routes, including: the "City tour - Hue Ancient Capital Heritage Journey", with 12 stops; and the "Hue night sightseeing".

A representative of Vietnam - Hanoi Tourism Joint Stock Company said that the first bus was expected to launch on September 1. In the period from September to the end of 2022, the ticket price is at 100,000 VND per ticket, while the ticket used for eight hours is at 150,000 VND per ticket. Particularly, during the opening week and the celebration of the National Day (September 2), a special “Buy One Get One” ticket will be offered to visitors from September 1 to 4; or a 50 percent discount will be offered to visitors buying tickets online via Facebook fan page.

By Duc Quang - Dinh Hoang
Source: Hue News -
Tags: #Hue City, #double-decker bus,

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