Sunday 3 January 2021

Happy New Years : Information of Japan and FREEPLUS

This is Nigel from FREEPLUS Japan,
Hope you're all doing fantastic in your country and staying safe.

I'm writing you this mail mainly to share little information about Japan and our company and wishing you a happy new year!!

2020 was a tough year for all of us in our industry and I believe we are at this point where we are hoping 2021 will be a year of resurrection.
To begin 2021, I will share some information on the situation of Japan and FREEPLUS.

Situation of Japan
  • Regarding flights, at this point we have shut the gates for inbound(leisure) and only opening the gates for business cases.
  • Vaccines-wise, Japan is planning to start taking them from February 2021 prioritizing the people working in the medical profession first.
  • The current government has declared aiming at receiving 60 million inbound customers by 2030, so in the past few years and now the government is really trying to boost the inbound travel industry especially in inbound. Since the government still has this vision, inbound for Japan WILL COMEBACK soon.
  • So when will you be able to send outbound customers to Japan again?? There are all sorts of theories out there so there's no right answer I could share, but in our company, we are looking at 2021 summer to autumn for leisure inbound to come back. The reason is that we are hosting Olympics in July 2021, so we think the government won't make any big moves in the travel industry to prevent any problems happening before the Olympics.
Situation of FREEPLUS
  • Our company has survived until now and will still be there for your customers coming to Japan.
  • We are still limiting the number of staffs working every day at the office but month by month we are recovering the staffs from standing by at home.
  • Right now we are doing webinars to share information about new destinations and what's hot in Japan cooperating with the tourism board from each prefecture(City).

Lastly, let me use this new year occasion to appreciate the cooperation you have given to us until now.
And hope we could give lifetime lasting memories for our customers in the near future.
Apologies for the long mail but thought it was important to share information and take hands together in this situation.

Happy New Years and hope this year will be the brightest!!!

Japan Inbound Tourism Land Operating Division
Kunpei Nigel Asari, Manager
Mobile +81 - 80 - 5293 - 7120

Osaka head office
1-2-23 Hanazonokita, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0016, Japan
TEL : +81 - 6 - 7739 - 2600 

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