Saturday 12 December 2020

Thailand Is the Number 1 Asian Destination for Travellers Planning Holidays in 2021

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is pleased to announce that Thailand was named the number one Asian destination, and the fourth destination worldwide, according to a recent survey by German-based online travel agent Tourlane.

In a survey to identify travel trends that are emerging for 2021, it found that Thailand was the fourth most popular worldwide destination named by respondents, after the USA, South Africa, and Canada.

Ms. Helen Scheepers, Head of Sales at Tourlane, said: “The survey shows that 2021 will be a year of the great outdoors, so it's no surprise to see that Thailand, with its incredible range of outdoor activities, is the fourth most popular worldwide destination for 2021. With so many participants rating travel as a top priority for 2021, we're excited about a potential boom in travel to countries like Thailand that's on the horizon.”

Over 1,200 travellers aged between 18 and 65 were surveyed in the October 2020 online poll, which indicated that while most participants would not be travelling again in 2020, the majority did plan to travel in 2021 as one of their top priorities for the year.

Key findings showed that more than two thirds (69%) of international travellers preferred a destination that offered plenty in the way of outdoor activities, and that over half (54%) of the travellers wanted to travel for two or three weeks during the spring or summer time. Clear safety guidelines and hygiene standards was also mentioned as a priority by 43% of the respondents along with good health facilities (37%).

Thailand continues to be ranked as one of the top countries among 180 countries worldwide for its ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery efforts according to the Global COVID-19 Index (GCI).



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