Friday 13 November 2020

Online Female Tourism Speaker Directory Launched

Women in Tourism (Australia) (WiT) with the support of creative tourism marketing agency and WiT sponsor WOOF Media, have launched a new website which includes a dedicated female tourism speaker directory.

“The new website is an information hub for the industry in relation to issues of gender balance. It showcases women in order to create opportunities for them and highlights relevant events and opportunities for members to participate in,” says Women in Tourism co-founder Holly Galbraith.

Dr Catherine Khoo, authorised expert in gender & tourism who researched gender representation of speakers at the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) events, found male speakers outnumbered female by three-fold and more, and importantly, that structural and implicit bias are significant within UNWTO.

Anecdotal evidence suggests tourism events here in Australia also have significant gender imbalance. The new online female tourism speaker directory aims to address this issue.

“Women in Tourism (Australia) wanted to create a professional and credible visual identity for the organisation and create a helpful resource for the tourism industry” says WOOF Media Managing Director Peter Freeman. “Women contribute immensely to Australia's tourism industry and it's been a privilege for our team to contribute our creative skills in support of Holly's vision.”

In addition to building the new website pro bono, WOOF Media refreshed the branding, including the logo, and is sponsoring Women in Tourism (in kind) for the next three years.

To see the new website,

To see the new speaker directory,

To apply to be added to the speaker directory, click here.

About Women in Tourism (Australia)

Women in Tourism (Australia) was created in 2015 by tourism industry digital marketing expert Holly Gailbratih and business events journalist Emma Castle after attending one to many events where the audience was full of women and the stage was full of men. To combat the gender inequality issues within the industry, the pair set about creating an agenda of events and seminars covering topics such as mentorship, gender diversity in the workplace, career pathways and pivotal leadership moments. Now some twenty events and five years later, Women in Tourism (Australia) has created a robust networking community of over 2,500 professional women.

About WOOF Media

WOOF Media are a team of creative professionals who see tourism as an opportunity to grow and sustain our regions. Since 2001, the company has evolved from a small design studio in coastal South Australia to a distributed business with team members across regional Australia and Canada. From visitor guides and maps through to branding, websites, social media and ongoing digital marketing support - WOOF Media are ready, willing and able to support regional tourism clients everywhere.



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