Friday 13 November 2020 reveals five travel predictions for the Future of Travel.

From travelers looking for a heightened level of travel safety and more sustainable travel offerings, as well as a newfound appreciation for doorstep delights, this will be the first look into the way we experience travel in 2021 and beyond. We’ve plucked out the top predictions for Australia (also see full press release below):

  1. Bye Bye 9 to 5: Working remotely has irreversibly entered the mainstream. We will see a rise in travelers combining work and pleasure, extending their trips for longer. Accommodations will also adapt their offerings, with more prioritising home office/’working from holiday’ facilities.
  2. Safety cleans Up: Safety will be at the forefront of travelers’ minds moving forward, with many relying on the travel industry to take extra precautions.
  3. Spon-tech-naity: we will see an accelerated use of tech to adapt to a new type of traveler, innovations we will see next will be many more self-service functionalities for all touch points as well as enhanced online experiences using virtual reality.
  4. Vital Value: There will be a demand for travellers to get more bang for their buck, behaviours for searching and planning travel will change and therefore promotions and savings from the travel industry will look a whole lot different.
  5. Impact Awakening: we will see a more eco-conscious mindset in 2021 with Australian travellers wanting to support particular destinations recovery efforts rather than their wish list. This will also see an increase in off-season travel packages and methods to prevent overcrowding. 

The research findings are from over 20,000 travellers across 28 countries* including 995 from Australia, revealing five predictions for the future of travel. The findings unearth unparalleled insights to predict the unpredictable, uncovering the trends that will shape the way we experience travel in the year ahead, and beyond.


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