Tuesday 10 November 2020

is the historic capital of Europe as it has been inhabited since the Neolithic Era. Through the course of its long, fascinating history, it reached its zenith in the 5th century B.C. (the "Golden Age of Pericles"), a period when its values and its culture crossed the geographical borders of the city and spread worldwide. Political thinking, theater, arts, philosophy, science, architecture and so many other human intellectualities reached their zenith in a unique time coincidence and spiritual completion.

Hence, Athens became the core of western civilization, while many Greek words and understandings such as democracy, harmony, music, mathematics, art, gastronomy, architecture, logic, Eros, euphoria and many more, enriched various languages and inspired different civilizations.

During centuries Athens came across many conquerors, which left their mark on monuments of outstanding prestige and charm creating rare historic palimpsest.

Due to its historic past Athens was declared the capital of the newly-established Greek state in 1834. In the two centuries that followed, it has developed to a modern metropolitan center of incomparable charm and great interest.
Nowadays, visiting Athens is a unique experience. It is a “journey” to a 6.000 years history.

A "baptism" or initiation to all great monuments and art masterpieces, from the ancient times up to the medieval period, as well as to the architectural heritage of the 19th and 20th centuries. It is the feeling of “warmth” and spiritual uplift that the bright sunlight of Attica sky offers. The beauty of the area’s natural landscape (“lacy” coastlines, beaches and mountains). The pleasure of seeing the city’s modern structure and the vividness of its inhabitants.

Athens is one of the most beautiful and charming capitals in Europe that fascinates its visitors all year long.

Website: www.theholidayandtravelmagazine.blogspot.com.au

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