Sunday 13 September 2020

Old wells bring vitality to villages

Hoa Lu district in the northern province of Ninh Binh was established in 1907 and is surrounded by mountains and plains.

An aerial view of a well at a village in Hoa Lu district, Ninh Binh province (Photo: VNA)

It hosts various beautiful landscapes like Trang An Tourism Complex and Tam Coc – Bich Dong Tourism Site.

It also possesses typical features of northern rural plain with ancient wells in villages.

The wells represent significant cultural values, which also feature the source of life and bridges between humans, heaven and earth.

Today, though tap water is available in the locality, locals still preserve and use the water from ancient wells daily.

Before tap water, wells used to be common throughout Vietnam in the yards of communal houses and here and there in villages.

Banyan trees, wells and communal houses are typical features of northern Vietnamese rural areas.

For Vietnamese people, wells not only supply water for daily use but also have been considered as holy objects protected by genies. The older they are, the holier they get./.
Source: VNA
Tags: Old wells, villages, Hoa Lu district, Ninh Binh,

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

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