Tuesday 15 September 2020


This week marked an exciting construction milestone for the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ expansion, the Sydney Modern Project, as the concrete foundations were poured on Monday.

The $344 million expansion will deliver 540 construction jobs, in addition to almost 250 full time jobs over the next 25 years.

The new building designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architects SANAA will almost double current gallery space to show more of the State’s outstanding art collection, including more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks, and attract the best national and international exhibitions to NSW.

Minister for the Arts Don Harwin said he was pleased to see the project taking shape so swiftly during these unprecedented times.

“The Sydney Modern Project is an important investment in art, artists and culture and sends a strong signal of confidence and hope for the future,” Mr Harwin said.

Director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales Dr Michael Brand said, “In this moment we need art and artists more than ever, and it’s exciting to be planning how visitors will engage with great art in the future in this special place. This will be an art museum experience unique in the world for everyone to enjoy.”

The Art Gallery of New South Wales is the first public art museum in Australia to achieve the highest environmental standard for design with a 6-star Green Star design rating for its new SANAA-designed building.

Construction is scheduled for completion in 2022 and the Gallery remains open during this time.

Destination NSW

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