Friday 11 September 2020

Christianity in Samoa

Christianity is an important aspect in our Fa’aSamoa- Samoan way of life. With our nation’s motto,” E Faavae i le Atua, Samoa- Samoa is founded on God,” our Christian values and principles are evident in every Samoan family today.

Along with the C.C.C.S (Congregational Christian Church of Samoa), we proudly celebrate 190 years of the first arrival of Christianity in our Beautiful Samoa.

The first Missionaries who brought the Good word of God and peace to the Samoan people were John Williams and the Missionaries of the London Missionary Society (LMS) on the 24th of August in 1830. 

They were accepted by Malietoa Vainu’upo and settled in Sapapali’i village on Savaii Island.

The historic landmark was celebrated and commemorated by the CCCS (Congregational Christian Church of Samoa) parishes around the country on Sunday, 6th September 2020.


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