Monday 6 July 2020

A message from our partners at Luxury Lodges of Australia

Image: qualia, Great Barrier Reef Luxury Lodges of Australia
From all of us at Luxury Lodges of Australia, we hope you are safe and finding time to nurture yourselves and your people. While there is still so much uncertainty across many parts of the world, in Australia, we are seeing the first signs that we will be able to return to work, to interact, to travel.

This page is a central point of reference for dates and contacts as the lodges reopen to receive guests: LLOA Lodge Status

This process of reopening will happen over a period of time, from as early as June 2020, but for some, several months down the track, due to seasonal and air access complexity.

But the wait will be worth it.

*Please note, all dates and plans are subject to guidelines and travel restrictions relating to COVID-19 in the relevant jurisdiction. While this page is a reliable guide to assist with planning, the best source of lodge specific information is the lodge direct.

And last but not least, as you start planning, not just dreaming about Australia, the link below on Tourism Australia’s website will give you all the latest on travel alerts and information regarding the impact of COVID-19 on travel in Australia.

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