Thursday 1 August 2019

Unordinary Adventures Program in Tasmania

Maydena Bike Park / Kane Naaraat
Tourism Tasmania has launched a new program to encourage increased dispersal of visitors into regional communities across our island.

The Unordinary Adventures program will target visitors who travel to pursue their passions and position Tasmania as a leading destination on our visitors' bucket lists.

The program will showcase Tasmania’s world-class experiences in the four key special interest areas of:
  • Mountain Biking
  • Fly Fishing
  • Golf
  • Walking

Tourism Tasmania’s believes there is no better place on earth to enjoy unordinary adventures than in Tasmania. Our unique Tasmanian hospitality and our stunning environment elevates these adventures beyond just ordinary. We think our visitors will enjoy these experiences in a way like never before and Tasmania will leave a profound and lasting impression.

The Unordinary Adventures program is a Tourism Tasmania initiative to encourage the regional dispersal of visitors across our island and increase the contribution they make to our local communities. The program will also position Tasmania as a leading destination to be placed firmly on our visitors' bucket lists.

Cape Wickham Golf Course / Stuart Gibson
The Unordinary Adventures program will inspire visitors who travel to pursue their passions. It will showcase our world-class experiences and add breadth and depth to Tourism Tasmania's marketing program.

Tourism Tasmania will deliver the program in close partnership with industry, taking a shared approach to marketing our world-class destination.

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