Monday 22 July 2019

Spirit of the Wild Celebrates Successful Year

One year into operation of Gordon River Cruises' unique hybrid vessel Spirit of the Wild, and the renewed experience is getting rave reviews from guests.

Designed specifically with the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area in mind, Spirit of the Wild is the first commercial passenger vessel of its type in the southern hemisphere to be fitted with a hybrid drive system, featuring both diesel engines and electric motors.

When the vessel enters the Gordon River the diesel engines are switched off, leaving only the electric drive to propel the vessel forward. This means passengers enjoy a quiet cruising experience like nothing that has ever been available in Tasmania's World Heritage Area before.

In its first year of operation, the experience won gold at the Tasmanian Tourism Awards, as well as being named Tasmania's Best Guided Tour at the Tasmanian Hospitality Association awards.

Gordon River Cruises is now in the Trip Advisor Hall of Fame, having been awarded certificates of excellence for the past five years for guests' rave reviews.

And most recently Gordon River Cruises has received Tourism Industry Council Tasmania EcoStar accreditation, recognising the highest standards of sustainable environment and cultural practices.

In addition to the hybrid drive, the new vessel virtually disappears while on the Gordon River thanks to tannin-like exterior finishes that blend into the surroundings.

The Gordon River Cruise experience has also been enhanced with new interpretation, telling the stories of the history and early inhabitants of the area; and a new food and wine offering featuring the best in Tasmanian produce.

Embark on a winter adventure to Tasmania's west coast. The wilderness and history of this remarkable place is just waiting to be explored.

Explore the west this winter
Guests can save up to 60% off their accommodation at Strahan Village when booking a Gordon River Cruise or a tour on the West Coast Wilderness Railway.

Cruise & Stay
Available until 26 September 2019, guests can experience the Gordon River on board Gordon River Cruises' hybrid vessel, Spirit of the Wild.

After venturing to the notorious Hells Gates at the mouth of Macquarie Harbour, guests will marvel at the crystal-clear reflections, learn about Tasmania's convict history and explore the ancient rainforest as they cruise quietly under electric motors on the Gordon River.

Rail & Stay
Available until 14 September 2019, guests will feel like they have stepped back in time as they climb aboard the West Coast Wilderness Railway steam train.

During the half-day journey, guests will weave through the rugged wilderness and hear stories of the people who brought the railway to life in this remote part of the world.

Both packages include one night's accommodation at Strahan Village and two tickets to the guest's selected adventure.

Prices for Cruise & Stay start at $359, with prices for Rail & Stay starting at $268.

More information, including applicable rooms can be found at

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