Wednesday 1 May 2019

2017 Visitation Estimates, Country Profiles and Spending Available

The National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) has posted the 2017 states, cities, and regions visited by overseas travelers reports and profiles to the Inbound Travel to the U.S. page on its website.

NTTO's page contains 24 country profiles, 10 regional profiles and eight sector/activity profiles for 2017, containing characteristics based on SIAT passenger responses and visitor spending reports.

The 'profile' format and content have been totally redesigned. NTTO has moved from a static PDF format with year-over-year only data to an Excel format spanning over 20-years of data. Note: the Excel sheet can be opened-up (unhide hidden columns) to span the 1997 - 2017 period.

New reports include an airline sector report, which profiles overseas air passengers who have indicated use of air transportation within the United States during their visit and the Visit American Indian Communities profile. In addition, the report detailing visitation by overseas Cultural-Heritage travelers to the United States has been updated after several years' absence.

Next year's reports will follow this format but will include a new column for 2018 data.

Note1: Countries of origin and destinations visited (regions/states/cities) qualify for reporting when they consistently show at least 100 sample size over time.

Note2: These profiles have been formatted to print best to a PDF file due to differences in users' printer definitions. Thus, to print, consider “printing” to a PDF file first, and then printing the resulting PDF file.

Contact NTTO with questions at 202.482.0140 or

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