Monday 4 March 2019

Viet Nam makes best of DPRK-USA Summit to promote tourism

Viet Nam is taking full advantage of the second DPRK-USA Summit in Ha Noi to promote its tourism as the whole world is paying special attention to the event and the host country, said a tourism official.

The second DPRK-USA Summit is an international event of global concern and thousands of reporters from many news and press agencies around the world have come to Ha Noi to cover the meeting and they have seen with their own eyes the city’s beauty and attractions, Ha Van Sieu, Deputy General Director of the Viet Nam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT), told the Viet Nam News Agency (VNA).

The successful hosting of the summit will help Viet Nam raise its position and prestige in the world arena, and gain more sentiments from foreigners, thereby attracting more international tourists, even those who have not known much about Viet Nam, and encouraging them to spend more during their holidays in the country, he said.

Viet Nam is also expected to draw more direct and indirect investments after the DPRK-USA Summit, Sieu said, adding that increased inflows of investment and foreign visitors will fuel ideas about new tourism products and new tourist destinations.

The official mentioned the idea of turning Viet Nam into a bridge connecting the world and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) through tourism since Viet Nam has built up its brand as a peaceful and friendly nation and more opportunities are created for Vietnamese businesses to invest in the DPRK.

To further popularize Viet Nam’s tourism, the VNAT had previously asked culture and tourism establishments in the capital city of Ha Noi to ensure environmental sanitation, as well as host and guide international reporters during the two-day summit.

It requested Ha Noi and other provinces and cities nationwide to increase their inspections of tourism services to ensure the best quality for high-level delegations, international reporters and tourists before, during and after the event.

The VNAT also worked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to proactively provide information about Viet Nam’s tourism through videos, Viet Nam Tour Guide e-publication, tourism website, and the ministry’s international press registration site

The VNAT, in coordination with the Viet Nam Tourism Association (VTA), have hung large billboards introducing free tours for reporters which include the Ha Noi city tour and trips to Café Hanoi, Bat Trang ceramics village, and UNESCO world heritage site Ha Long Bay in northeastern Quang Ninh Province arranged by prestigious travel companies Hanoitourist and Saigontourist.

After the summit, the VNAT plans to organise a wide range of activities to promote Viet Nam’s tourism in the US, Russia, the Republic of Korea and Japan in a bid to lure more holidaymakers to the Southeast Asian nation.

According to the organizers, almost 3,000 reporters from more than 200 media agencies in nearly 40 countries and territories across the world have arrived in Viet Nam to cover the summit and they will be able to discover special tourism products and services both in Ha noi and around the country.
Source: VNA

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