Saturday 2 March 2019

Raffles Hotels & Resorts Launches Luxury Sleep Rituals Designed to Maximise Rest and Rejuvenation

Raffles Hotels & Resorts is raising the bar when it comes to rest with the launch of an intuitive and thoughtful wellbeing programme designed to help guests unwind, get a peaceful night's rest and wake up feeling refreshed.

The new Raffles Sleep Rituals service, introduced as part of the brand's commitment to enhancing the comfort of its guests, will be piloted during the turndown service at four luxurious locations: Raffles Dubai, Raffles Makati, Raffles Seychelles and Raffles Europejski Warsaw.

The slumber-inducing rituals will provide guests with a luxurious eye pillow made from DreamSoft® linen, calming goodnight cards that encourage mindfulness and contentment before bedtime; as well as a five-minute sand timer, engraved with their personal details, to help them unwind before they drift off to sleep.

Raffles has also partnered with luxury skincare brand, Aromatherapy Associates, to create a Deep Relax oil that is unique to its Sleep Rituals experience. Made from a blend of vetiver, sandalwood and chamomile, ingredients that help calm the mind and restore regular sleep patterns, the oil is custom designed to promote sleep and alleviate the restlessness associated with jet lag. 

Additional sleep-enhancing amenities will be available to guests staying in premium and deluxe rooms. Extra benefits will include a unique sleep kit and a menu of food items carefully selected to help guests mitigate the effects of travel, stress and jet leg, promoting their comfort and rest.

The Sleep Rituals have been developed as part of Raffles Hotels & Resorts' wellbeing strategy, which focuses on enabling guests to feel their emotional best during their stay. This global blueprint for guest wellness encompasses three core pillars including; Serenity: creative rituals throughout the guest journey; Design with Harmony: creating spaces with wellness in mind and incorporating elements of wellness design such as Feng Shui and Biophilia; and Pleasure: exploring the relationship between nutrition and wellbeing.

“Modern travellers are challenged with hectic schedules and time zone changes, which disrupts their sleep patterns and can impact their physical and mental wellbeing. Our new Sleep Rituals, part of the global wellness programme at Raffles, provide guests with an unmatched relaxation experience, supporting their emotional wellbeing throughout their stay,” explained Lindsay Madden-Nadeau, Global Well-Being Director, AccorHotels.

Continued Madden-Nadeau, “We are committed to providing innovative services that ensure our guests feel welcome and understood, valued and cared for at all times and our new sleep initiative is testament to that, offering what many crave most during their travels – the chance to rest and rejuvenate. Following a successful pilot, we will look into expanding this initiative in more hotels.”

Commenting on the importance of sleep, Aromatherapy Associates Sleep Well-being Ambassador, Dr. Neil Stanley, said: “With today's busy lifestyles, getting enough sleep can be difficult, especially if your mind is racing when it is time to sleep. If you don't get a full night's rest, it can impact your physical, mental and emotional health. We need to re-evaluate how we view sleep and determine how many hours a night is needed – and then set aside the proper amount of time for it – which is what the Raffles Sleep Rituals initiative will help achieve for its guests.”

“The Raffles brand is defined by its commitment to enhancing the emotional wellbeing of its guests, based on the understanding that true luxury is not about what you do, but what you feel,” added Jeannette Ho, Vice President, Raffles Brand's Strategic Relationships Global VP of the Raffles Brand. “Our new Raffles Sleep Rituals, which complement the relaxing and rejuvenating experiences offered at our world-famous spas, offer our discerning guests the luxury of rest, comfort, tranquillity and wellness and embrace our brand's very essence by providing the thoughtful, personal and intuitive service for which we are renowned.”


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