Friday 1 February 2019

Tourist News From Okinawa

TOKYO OKINAWA Happy Route Campaign & Domestic Flight Discounts
Okinawa is partnering with Tokyo for the TOKYO OKINAWA Happy Route Campaign. Coming to Australia next month, the campaign has been extremely popular in the UK since its launch in November. We have the photos of the best food and activities that Tokyo and Okinawa have to offer on the TOKYO OKINAWA Happy Route Instagram account, so like your favourite photo and leave a comment telling us why it's your favourite for your chance to win free round tickets to Tokyo and Okinawa! On top of that, both JAL and ANA are offering domestic flight discount deals to all foreigners through the JAL Japan Explorer Pass and ANA Experience JAPAN Fare.
Campaign Link:
JAL Japan Explorer Pass Link:
ANA Experience JAPAN Fare:

Enjoy a Taste of Okinawa in Australia
With a surge in Okinawan awareness among Australian businesses and consumers, Okinawa-themed products are gradually expanding into the Australian market. From beers and milk teas to even the Okinawan Taco Rice, you can taste and enjoy Okinawa before and after your trip! Take a look at some of the Okinawan items that we found, as well as a video of how to make Okinawan Taco Rice like Adam Liaw through the links below:

Cycling through ChuraChari's Cycling Share Service
Mainly used in Naha, the ChuraChari Cycling Share Service is the Opal of bike riding. Access is simple through a tap and go of a card, whilst the service features both manual and electric bicycles. With multiple stations and online bicycle reservations, the ChuraChari Cycling Share Service is a great way for tourists to go and see spectacular views that can't be accessed by car, whilst enjoying riding through the island of Okinawa in a convenient, yet immersive manner.
ChuraChari Cycling Share Service:

Two new promotional partners: The Pacific Asia Travel Association and TripAdvisor
The Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau is proud to announce that it has recently joined the Pacifc Asia Travel Association (PATA), a travel association targeting the Asia Pacific region. Access to the whole PATA network grants the OCVB further business opportunities and promotion strategies, all while deepening its relationships with its geographical neighbours.

In addition, the chairman of the Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau, Choukei Taira, joined TripAdvisor CEO Stephen Kaufer at the Asia Pacific Destination Leadership Summit held in Sydney Australia, and signed a Memomrandum of Understanding regarding future promotions and cooperation. The OCVB will be further cooperating with TripAdvisor to develop its digital marketing methods, in order to raise awareness about Okinawa on a global scale through a meaningful and relevant way.

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