Monday 18 February 2019

Made in Victoria: Victoria’s most talented artisans head to Kyneton

Celebrating the art of skilled manual work, ancient crafts and rare trades, the Lost Trades Fair, returning to Kyneton this March is once again giving career artisans and traditional tradespeople a platform to showcase their life’s work and share their knowledge with festival goers.

Attracting more than 100 of Victoria’s craftiest and most creative, the popular fair is renowned for bringing together thousands of hours of combined experience and often multiple generations of knowledge, giving visitors a chance to discover what was previously lost to history and meet the passionate folk who’ve made a career out of practicing lost arts.

In attendance will be everyone from blacksmiths and cricket bat makers to jewellers, basket weavers and armourers like; like Glenlyon man Sam Bloomfield. Bloomfield, a 38-year-old man from Glenlyon, has literally forged a career by creating medieval metal armour from another time that can only be described as wearable art.

Bloomfield will be joined by Clunes boot maker Duncan McHarg, one of only two people in the world creating leather boots entirely by hand, using old-world methods and techniques that are centuries old.

For the young at heart, Schloss Woods from Benalla will also be exhibiting. Hand-crafted from a single piece of recycled wood, the Schloss Woods Team specialise in eco-friendly and educational wooden toys. From castles and adventure tools including swords, shields and battle axes to puzzles and furniture, each item is completely unique and meticulously handcrafted.

Lost Trades Fair regular and talented craftsman George Smithwick also returns for the 2019 event. The sixth-generation cooper’s lineage in the craft dates back to 1800s when Smithwick’s family would make barrels for breweries for the Abbotsford Brewing Company, pre-dating the Carlton and United Brewery. To this day, the former cabinetmaker turned cooper still crafts barrels, buckets, wooden vessels, tankards and even ancient round boats out of his Beveridge workshop.

The Lost Trades Fair will run on March 9 and 10, from 10.00am until 4.00pm daily at the Kyneton Racecourse.

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