Sunday 3 February 2019

"Happy Chinese New Year" starts: the global taste is getting stronger

Face-changing actor interacts with Chilean audience
As the "Happy Chinese New Year" is launched around the world, the taste of China's year is gradually growing in the world. A series of events organized or participated by Chinese embassies and consulates and overseas Chinese cultural centers made a wonderful appearance, sharing the joy of meeting the Spring Festival with the people of all countries, and providing more opportunities for them to have a deeper understanding of Chinese and Chinese culture.

  On January 8th, as the first event of the "Tianjin Culture Year", the "Tianjin People's New Year - Memory Tianjin Spring Festival Folklore Exhibition" jointly hosted by the Tokyo Chinese Culture Center and the Tianjin Culture and Tourism Bureau opened in Tokyo, Japan. Former Chief Cabinet of Japan Chief Cabinet Mr. Kawamura, Japanese Finance Minister Izoo Ichi, Zhang Mei, Propaganda Department of the Chinese Embassy in Japan, Okazaki, President of the Japan-China Friendship Association, Matsumoto Uki, President of the Toyo Shudo Art Society, etc. attend.

  With the theme of introducing the Spring Festival customs in Tianjin, the exhibition carried out a study on the four projects of Yangliuqing Woodcut New Year Painting, Jinpai Monkey Production Technique, Face Plastic and Cheongsam Disc Technique, which was followed and welcomed by Japanese audience. During the exhibition, the Tokyo Chinese Cultural Center specially hired folk experts from Tianjin to open face-to-face training courses for Japanese audiences on January 16th and 17th. Mr. Kawamura said that this exhibition will showcase the wonderful Tianjin culture to the Japanese audience. It is of great significance. I hope more Japanese people can come and visit, appreciate the similarities and differences between China and Japan, and promote the development of Sino-Japanese relations.

  On January 12th and 13th, the "Most Memory is Hangzhou" comprehensive evening was staged at the Arms Plaza and the Gaoqiao Cultural Center in San Felipe, Chile. This is the first two performances of the Hangzhou Art Troupe of Zhejiang Province in the San Diego International Arts Festival, which kicked off the 2019 Chilean “Happy Chinese New Year” event. Dance "Happy China Year", "Xi Xi Impression", magic "flowers like flowers", acrobatics "double skills", face-changing program "flying color change", brass percussion "male children self-improvement" "pick up your hijab "Thanks for Life"... A program with Chinese cultural characteristics immersed the audience in it, and the scene continued to sing warm applause and applause.

  The San Diego International Arts Festival is the most important comprehensive art festival in Chile. In recent years, more than 10 outstanding Chinese art groups have staged on the stage of the festival, and they have toured nearly 100 games. The festival will be held every January. It became the stage of the "Happy Chinese New Year." This year, the Hangzhou Art Troupe will perform six performances under the framework of the festival. After the tour of San Diego, the 9th "Happy Spring Festival" celebration party will be held in the seaside city of ViƱa del Mar.

  On January 15th, the first cultural celebration of Jordan's "Happy Chinese New Year" in 2019 - "Silk Road", the 2019 Chinese New Year Celebration of the Confucius Institute at the University of Philadelphia, Jordan, was held at the University of Philadelphia. Chinese Ambassador to Jordan Pan Weifang, President of the University of Philadelphia, Vice Chairman of the China-China Friendship Association, Carmel, President of the University of Philadelphia, Salem, Vice President O'Badette, Principal Consultant Bai Delan, Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Jordan Yang Ronghao and about 400 University of Philadelphia teachers and students participated in the event.

  On the same day, the teachers and students of the Confucius Institute at the University of Philadelphia performed Chinese poetry readings, Tai Chi, Chinese speeches, traditional Chinese musical instruments, songs, dances and other programs. The students’ words are full of Chinese expressions, familiar instrumental performances and live micro-movies, which impressed the audience. Pan Weifang and other students awarded certificates and prizes to the students of the University of Philadelphia's Chinese Language Learning Excellence Award in 2018, encouraging more young students to participate in the educational and cultural exchanges between the two countries and helping the exchanges and cooperation in the new era.

  On January 15th, the “Photo of Happy Spring Festival” photo exhibition hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan was held at the National Museum of Kazakhstan. The exhibition will give more people in Kazakhstan an in-depth understanding of traditional Chinese festivals and Chinese culture. Sato Balkin, deputy director of the National Museum of Kazakhstan, believes that the exhibition opened a new chapter in the cooperation between Kazakhstan and China in 2019. Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Wei said that the Spring Festival not only has rich cultural connotations, but also contains profound philosophical thoughts, reflecting the Chinese people's pursuit of the concept of harmony between man and nature and between man and society since ancient times. In the new year, I believe that China and Kazakhstan will consolidate traditional friendly relations, work together to build the "Belt and Road", and take the lead in promoting the building of a community of human destiny.

  On January 15, the Chinese Embassy in Djibouti held a photo exhibition and a cultural evening at the Djibouti People's Palace to hold the China-Kyrgyz friendship and cooperation and the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Kyrgyzstan. This is also the first event of Djibouti 2019 "Happy Chinese New Year". Chinese Ambassador to Djibouti Zhuo Ruisheng and Djibouti Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Yusuf, Minister of Finance, General Secretary of the ruling party "Human League" Davale, Minister of Housing, Urban Planning and Environment Ahmed and other party and government Military officials, representatives of national envoys to the Kyrgyzstan and international organizations, and representatives of Chinese-funded institutions in Kyrgyzstan attended the event.

  The guests watched the photo exhibition, praised China's achievements in the 40 years of reform and opening up, and spoke highly of the fruitful cooperation between China and Kyrgyzstan. It is expected that the strategic partnership between the two countries will continue to reach a new level. The Yunnan Culture and Art Troupe brought a wonderful performance with rich national characteristics, and the audience applauded. Zhuo Ruisheng said that China will continue to work with Kyrgyzstan to establish a new chapter of China-Kyrgyz friendship in the new era with the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Kyrgyzstan, and work together to build a closer community of Chinese and Kyrgyzstan.

The Dai Dance "Golden Peacock" brought by the
Yunnan Culture and Art Troupe was staged in Djibouti
In addition, the contents of the “Happy Spring Festival” series in Denmark, Czech Republic, Canada and the United States were also released recently. The colorful activities will meet with local audiences and fully demonstrate the unique charm of Chinese culture.

  (The material of this article is provided by the Cultural Office of the Chinese Embassy in various countries.)

Source: CNTO (China National Tourism Administration)

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