Tuesday 22 January 2019

Best of Queensland Experiences

Assessment of the 2019 Best of Queensland Experiences is currently underway for all tourism operators who had a live ATDW listing on 1 November 2018.

As part of this program, operators can now expect to receive their results in March.

All operators will receive a free, individual, in-depth report containing detailed insights into consumer perceptions and reviews on their experience.

Operators can also access free, upcoming Online Review and Reputation Management workshops through QTIC’s Tourism Industry Business Capability Development Programs.

TEQ, in consultation with the state's Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs) and the Queensland Tourism Industry Council has recently launched the Best of Queensland Experiences Program to identify those experiences that best bring the Queensland story to life and consistently deliver a high-quality visitor experience.

Focusing on the best of Queensland experiences through the program will foster trust in the Queensland brand and ensure that Queensland is at the forefront of consumer expectations and continues to grow our share of the global travel market.

The program is based on a robust and independent set of criteria that are determined by online customer reviews, responding to contemporary consumer expectations and reflecting industry best practice. This means that the program is largely driven by customer sentiment and expectations which will not only provide a clear focus for our marketing activities but also set measurable benchmarks for our tourism industry on what constitutes a high-quality visitor experience.

Tourism businesses identified as Best of Queensland Experiences consistently deliver outstanding experiences to our guests and demonstrate great business practices. Over time, the Best of Queensland Experiences will feature in TEQ’s promotional activity to drive increased visitation and expenditure to Queensland.

Read more

Source: Tourism & Events Queensland  https://teq.queensland.com/

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