Tuesday 4 October 2016

Do you have any forgotten treasures collecting dust in your book shelves?

Antiquarian books and ephemera are on the agenda at the Scone Literary Long Weekend on 5-6 November in Scone

One of the feature events of the Scone Literary Long Weekend will be a session run by the ABC’s Tom Thompson, where Tom will talk about what to look for in your collection of books, letters and other objects that you may have hidden away.

Tom will be bringing to Scone over a dozen rare Australian books and ephemera as a way of showing what to look for and to provide some idea of the value of the objects. He is hoping to discover some hidden treasures.

Amongst the treats Tom will be displaying from his own collection, will be Patrick White’s golf club (not a hidden manuscript!) People are encouraged to bring no more than 3 items and Tom will provide a general summation of what discoveries are being made.

Here are a few suggestions: anything hand written prior to 1900 and of course WW1 and WW2 ephemera, photos or books, and if you find any 1st edition of the James Bond books a big fuss will be made of you. Signed copies of pre1960 books are good talking points as well as classics by Ion Idriess or Arthur Upfield. If you have rare or heavier items, then just bring along photos or information.

So start ferreting around and bring along your treasures on Saturday 5th November to the Scone Arts and Crafts Hall.

The whole programme continues all day Saturday and Sunday, with special guest authors, Hugh Mackay, Cate Kennedy, Terry Smyth, Jo Ricconi and Aberdeen’s own Courtney Collins

For more information and updates to the program visit: www.sconewritersfestival.com.au

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