Thursday 14 April 2016

Giraffe Calf Born at San Francisco Zoo & Gardens

The San Francisco Zoo & Gardens recently welcomed a new addition to the giraffe family, a female calf born Friday, April 8 at 9:40 am in the Bernard Osher Foundation Giraffe Barn. Mother, Barbro, and her calf are in excellent condition. The calf stood up and took her first steps within 30 minutes of birth. She’s already more than six-feet tall!

“It is such a special time when babies are born at the Zoo,” said Tanya M. Peterson, President of the San Francisco Zoo & Gardens. “You can’t help but fall in love with this calf the moment you see her. We are so fortunate to be able to share this exciting news with our community.”

The newest arrival joins six other giraffes in the herd. The calf, not yet named, has a two-year-old sister, Sarah. Dad, Floyd, has fathered a number of giraffes at the Zoo.

The calf has not yet been on exhibit as new mothers and babies are given privacy to bond. The public will get its first glimpse in the coming days.

Pictures was taken when the calf was just five-hours-old.

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