Friday 19 February 2016

Hue to host international circus festival in May

Hundreds of circus performers from 20 countries and territories will participate in the International Circus Festival 2016 in Hue imperial city in May.  It will open on May 28, 2016.

The performers will come from countries such as Australia, Belarus, Belgium and Cambodia, besides Canada and Germany.

Vietnamese circus troupes will also participate in the festival to exchange experiences.

The acts that will be performed include magic, sport circus, acrobatics and swinging and acts by clowns.

There will be 6 types of circus acts at the Festival, including acrobatics; juggle; balance act; acts by clowns; magic; sport circus, swinging, and roller-skating.

16 circus troupes will be selected from 20 countries and territories such as Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Germany, etc. For domestic circus troupes, the Organizing Committee will also select special circus acts of professional troupes, for example Vietnam Circus Federation, Experimental Theatre, Vietnam Circus and Vaudeville School, Hanoi Circus and Vaudeville Theatre, Phuong Nam Theatre (HCMC), Long An Circus Troupe. Artists or groups of artists with appropriate circus acts are also able to participate in the Festival.

Circus acts will be marked in associating with excellent circus troupes, groups of artists, and artists (excluding supporting performers). Based on assessments of the Art Council, gold medal and silver medal will be given to artists with excellent circus acts (excluding bonus).

The prize structure is built based on actual artistic quality, regardless of type. Total number of prizes does not exceed 35% of the circus acts. Total number of gold medals does not exceed 35% of the winning circus acts.

In addition, the Organizing Committee will give prizes to artists and groups of artists with unique creativeness. The Organizing Committee will also give souvenir cups to circus troupes, artists and groups of artists participating in the Festival.

The International Circus Festival 2016 is a cultural event aiming at promoting cooperation in the fields of culture and fine arts between Vietnam and worldwide countries. Through the Festival, Vietnamese art managers and circus artists will have an opportunity to exchange valuable experience and quintessence of human circus; innovate methods of organization and management; and create high-quality artistic works to meet people’s demand of art in the new period. Besides, Vietnam spectators will also have a chance to enjoy special and top circus acts of international artists.

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