Friday 2 October 2015

Noosa Goes Global

Tourism Noosa launched the Noosa Global Market Strategy 2015-2017 at an industry event on Wednesday evening to over 180 key stakeholders.

This Strategy sets a clear vision to build a sustainable global market for Noosa focusing on brand profile, beneficial partnerships, trade engagement, product development and consumer marketing.

Tourism Noosa CEO Damien Massingham said the Strategy outlines the current state of play for Noosa, identifies areas of potential growth, notes the challenges to be addressed and sets global marketing direction.

“The Noosa Global Market Strategy sets a focus on building a diverse visitor mix, evening seasonality, increasing length of stay and enhancing Noosa's product offering to drive visitation”.

“In developing the Global Market Strategy, Tourism Noosa undertook an extensive consultation process to ensure that the vision and proposed actions would be informed and relevant. Insights have been gleaned from meetings with over 300 trade, government and industry partners and a focused insight process was conducted by an international consulting agency via qualitative interviews with almost 50 senior trade and industry representatives”.

“In terms of market focus the Strategy will concentrate on Noosa's key markets of the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Germany and North America while nurturing other important markets by leveraging opportunities with industry partners such as Tourism and Events Queensland and Tourism Australia”.

“Working in partnership with Sunshine Coast Destination Ltd and our state and national partners, Tourism Noosa will implement this Strategy including support for activities of relevance and benefit such as Australia's Coastal and Aquatic campaign and Queensland's Australia's Nature Coast and Great Beach Drive programs”.

“The first initiative already rolled out in June of this year was the launch of the Noosa Global Travel Planner, a new destination guide designed specifically for the travel trade, featuring over 30 products perfect for the inbound market from accommodation and tours to activities, attractions and events,” said Mr Massingham.

Wade Batty, Group Managing Director of Noosa-based tour operator The Discovery Group, said his company, which conducts tours to Fraser Island and the Noosa Everglades, relies on the international market, particularly the UK and European markets which tend to stay longer and spend more money on experiences.

“We've seen interest in Noosa grow significantly after years of building partnerships with travel companies in the UK and Europe and this has been based on increasing awareness of the world class nature on Noosa's doorstep.”

“The international market is so important to Noosa – it provides a steady flow of visitors at times when Australians may not be travelling and we're blessed to have such accessible natural attractions that can't be found anywhere else in the world. A strategy to enhance this is critical to build Noosa's industry and economy” said Mr Batty.

Councillor Frank Wilkie said Tourism Noosa's strategy focused on further strengthening relationships with industry and trade partners, key media and appropriately aligned brands.

"This team not only works hard but smart in continually finding ways to ensure this key aspect of our regional economy keeps growing in strength and resilience," Cr Wilkie said.

FAST FACTS – THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET (for Noosa, the year to June 2015)

  • International visitors to Noosa increased by 18.8% to 136,000 with strong visitation from all key markets.
  • NZ visitation increase 11% to 19,500.
  • North America (USA and Canada) up 23.4% to 14,500.
  • Germany up 5% to 19,600.
  • UK up 36.7% to 36,800.
  • Noosa was the preferred destination for 53% of all international visitors to the Sunshine Coast and accounts for over 80% of the annual spend by international visitors to the Sunshine Coast

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