Tuesday 18 August 2015

Hong Kong Airlines to commence flights to Gold Coast, Cairns from Jan 2016

More Chinese travellers are bound for Queensland with Hong Kong Airlines to begin the first flights to the Gold Coast and Cairns from January 2016. Tourism Minister Kate Jones said the new flights will bring 5,000 extra travellers and generate more than $10 million for the Queensland economy.

“Hong Kong Airlines will operate its first Australian service in January 2016 marking the first direct route from Hong Kong to the Gold Coast with connections through to Cairns three times a week,” Ms Jones said.

“These seasonal services have been secured through the Palaszczuk Government’s Attracting Aviation Investment Fund and thanks to a partnership between Gold Coast Tourism, Gold Coast Airport, Cairns Airport and Tourism and Events Queensland.

“I congratulate the tourism industry for securing this deal which increases access for Chinese travellers to the state, provides a boost to the economy and supports local jobs.”

Ms Jones said 450,000 travellers from Greater China visited Queensland in the year to March 2015, spending more than $1 billion.

“Chinese travellers represent Queensland’s largest international visitor market based on visitor spending,” Ms Jones said.

“Tourism and Events Queensland will now work with the airports, Gold Coast Tourism and Tourism Tropical North Queensland on marketing activities to support the new route.”

Ms Jones said today’s Hong Kong Airlines announcement would provide another boost for Queensland’s tourism industry on the back of Jetstar’s new Wuhan-Gold Coast service which commences in September.

“In May, the Government signed an agreement with Jetstar Airways, Hubei Wanda New Airline International Travel Services Co. Ltd and Gold Coast Tourism authorities to secure the new direct flights which provide access for up to 35,000 travellers a year,” she said.

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