Saturday 18 July 2015

A Brief Look at Toilets Around the World

Here in the UK we all know a toilet when we see one. They look a bit like a throne and they’re usually white, so it’s not hard to know where to find one when your bladder feels like it’s about to burst. Travel outside the country though and the experience may not be the same. It’s only when you go to places like India and China that you discover our porcelain thrones aren’t even the most popular way to do your business. There’s also a range of other options available should you fancy a toilet that’s going to sing you a little ditty whilst you pee.

The world of toilets is a strange one indeed, so below we’ve summed up everything the world has to offer for when you really need to go. Presenting Toilets Around the World: What to Expect on your Travels.

We found this on the Plumbworld blog: A Brief Look at Toilets Around the World


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