Wednesday 24 June 2015


The latest International Visitor Survey (IVS) results were released yesterday, confirming international visitation to NSW reached record levels in the year ending December 2014, further cementing the State’s position as Australia’s number one destination.

International visitation was worth more than $7 billion to the NSW economy last year, an increase of 5.4 per cent. The number of international visitors to NSW increased by 6.7 per cent to reach 3.2 million, with international visitors spending nearly 76 million nights in NSW.

Four key markets recorded significant growth including China (up 17.8 per cent), Germany (up 16.6 per cent), Malaysia (up 16.3 per cent) and USA (up 10.9 per cent). International youth visitation to NSW also increased by 7.9 per cent in the year ending December 2014 to reach record levels, with more than 1 million youth visitors to the State for the fourth consecutive time.

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