Friday 10 April 2015


Five bottlenose dolphins were born in Port Stephens recently boosting its reputation as the dolphin capital of Australia. The dolphins were spotted by Imagine Cruises’ Lisa Skelton, as part of her census of the bay’s eastern dolphin population.

“Dolphins are a big part of our livelihood here in Port Stephens, because of the visitors they attract here so it makes sense to gauge the dolphins’ population and know more about their daily lives,” Ms Skelton said.

As part of the census, the dolphins are identified by the dorsal fin on their back, with its various markings. More than 60 dolphins have been documented in detail so far, with many of them given names, such as Flopper, one of the mothers of the new babies, named because of her floppy dorsal fin, and four male dolphins named after The Beatles members, John, Paul, George and Ringo, because the four were commonly seen together.

While the baby dolphins have been assigned numbers and will continue to be observed, they will not be given names until they are about 12 months old, and have been further observed.

Up to 130 dolphins call Port Stephens their home, with other dolphins sometimes travelling from other areas to ‘socialise’.

Dolphin cruises and a swim with the dolphins tour are held regularly in Port Stephens. For information on Port Stephens’ dolphin tours, attractions, dining and events go to

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