Sunday 15 February 2015


The highly successful REMIX global summit, a series of creative industry discussions held exclusively in the world’s creative capitals, will return to Sydney as part of this year’s Vivid Ideas program at Vivid Sydney.

Destination NSW Chief Executive Officer Sandra Chipchase said, “Leaders and influencers from the cultural and creative industries sector will converge in Sydney for REMIX, an engaging platform that aims to foster discussion and the exchange of ideas exploring how the creative sector can thrive and benefit from emerging technologies.

“NSW is home to 40 per cent of Australia’s creative industries workforce and I’m delighted this event, which focuses discussion around the growth and development of the creative economy, will be hosted in Sydney during Vivid Sydney as part of the festival’s Vivid Ideas program,” she said.

REMIX tackles the big ideas shaping the future of the creative and cultural sectors that are vital to the development of creative cities and growing the creative economy. Seventy-five creative pioneers from around the globe will speak at REMIX Sydney including Google Cultural Institute Director Amit Sood, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor OBE, and Time Out Australia Chief Executive Officer, Michael Rodrigues.

Topics that will explored during this year’s REMIX Sydney summit include; The Creative Revolution; The Future of Story-telling; Educating the Next Generation; Beyond Hype: Building, Engaging and Sustaining Communities; The Gaming Revolution: Everyone's a Gamer; Changing Direction: Tales of Reinvention; Multi-channel Culture: Strategies for Developing new Markets and Competing Online: Getting Above the Noise.

REMIX Sydney will be held at Sydney Town Hall from 2-3 June 2015. For more information and to purchase tickets go to

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