Thursday 22 January 2015


Working in partnership with ILTM Asia exhibitors, ILTM Asia 2015 ( is now registering high level discerning luxury travel agents from across the continent. Over 48% of these buyers will be new faces at ILTM Asia and 40% will be new buyers from China. ILTM Asia 2015 takes place 1 – 4 June in Shanghai.

China now sends more tourists abroad than any country in the world, according to China’s National Tourism Administration. Favoured destinations include Australia, South Korea, and Southeast Asian countries as well as, increasingly, Europe and the U.S. It is estimated that Chinese tourists abroad will exceed half a billion annually within five years and in 2015, according to The Economist, they are expected to buy more luxury goods while abroad than tourists from all other countries combined.

Gan Zilin of China’s International Travel Service comments:
“I would strongly recommend every truly luxury travel agent in the business attends ILTM Asia: it is informative, intensive and most importantly, it is highly relevant. The official catalogue is so useful that I keep it on my desk for daily reference!”

And Benny Wang, Head of New Product Development at CITS American Express Business Travel – the most requested buyer at ILTM Asia 2014 – adds:
"ILTM Asia is one of only a few great industry events nowadays: professional - it delivers real creative solutions for my clients; inspirational - excellent lectures and the Opening Forum; and fun – never a dull moment in building business contacts all the time.”

Singapore, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong are all key regions where ILTM is focusing on identifying and securing new buyers; each buyer is qualified under strict criteria. Australia’s strong economy means that buyers represented at ILTM Asia have grown significantly: ILTM Asia 2014 saw a rise of 27% year on year and this year, the event is targeting these numbers to grow by a further 15%.

Alison Gilmore, Senior Exhibition Director, ILTM Portfolio says:
“ILTM Asia invites only those pan-Asian buyers who have significant business to place with exhibitors from multiple global destinations. This year, our clients are looking to meet even more high-end Chinese agents. We are delighted to meet these demands and welcome 40% new elite buyers from China, as well as other key Asian regions that boast growing numbers of high net worth travellers.”

Lucy Jackson of Singapore’s LightFoot travel comments:
“Lightfoot Travel has a close affiliation with ILTM Asia as both recognise that this part of the world is the largest regional travel market in terms of potential outbound growth. It’s the one indispensable marketplace where our key product curators meet with the top suppliers in the travel industry, from boutique to well-recognised luxury brands. We have a continued presence at ILTM Asia as we are keen to establish new networks and stay on top of the trends – Shanghai in June enables us to do our job to our maximum ability.”

And Jackie Harris of Hong Kong’s Charlotte Travel Limited adds:
“One of the most professionally organized travel trade shows we have attended, ILTM Asia truly brings together the best people in the travel world to transform and enhance Asia’s rapidly growing luxury travel market.”

Alison Gilmore concludes:
“Products or trips marketed as ‘authentic’, ‘limited edition’ or ‘VIP’ have always appealed to travellers from Asia and especially China. That used to mean shopping for luxury brands and taking snapshots at landmarks, but it now stretches to polar expeditions, cruises and safaris, all of which can be sourced in one place - ILTM Asia 2015.”

ILTM Asia, Shanghai: 1 – 4 June 2015
“The one indispensable marketplace to meet with the top suppliers in the travel industry”

For further information, please see or contact

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