Sunday 19 October 2014

Business Events Australia (BEA) To Debut At IT&CM China 2015

No stranger to IT&CM China, Business Events Australia (BEA) has been a loyal and long-time partner of the leading MICE event in China since 2012. Returning for their 4th consecutive year as hosted luncheon sponsor, BEA will also make their debut as IT&CM China’s exhibitor with a 96sqm booth for the 2015 event.

“Trade events like IT&CM China have strategic importance to deepen and strengthen Australia’s relationship with Chinese buyers and business partners as well as create awareness for its trade engagement programme and tailored tools for the Chinese market. Our prior experience as a sponsor has assured us that IT&CM China delivers quality Chinese buyers that we want to reach. Coming in as an exhibitor allows us to take advantage of the show’s business appointments facilities and one-on-one business meetings, in addition to our continued engagement as a luncheon sponsor,” said LC Tan, Regional Business Director, Greater China of Business Events, Tourism Australia.

Tan shared, “Australia ranks 10th among all out of region outbound destinations for Chinese travellers. We have excellent and competitive MICE facilities to provide visitors with rewarding and engaging experiences, and a diverse range of new and interesting business and incentive travel products, services and ideas. We are definitely more than ready to welcome the burgeoning outbound Chinese visitors.”

Chinese corporate travel buyers can also expect to look forward to BEA’s hosted luncheon at the 2015 event. Returning for the 4th year, Tan enthused of their motivation to return, “There is no better way to mingle and network with the exclusive Corporate Travel segment than through a hosted luncheon. Australia is one of the world’s most inspirational business events destinations. From culturally rich heritage spots to accessible natural scenery and sophisticated cities that strike a chord among Chinese business events delegates, Australia is also a winner for the Chinese when it comes to value-for-money and safety considerations.”

Having attended BEA’s hosted luncheon, past participant Emma Wang, Senior Procurement Specialist from Astellas Pharma China shared her sentiments. “I garnered a comprehensive understanding of the various MICE resources that Australia has to offer. The video presentation shared at the luncheon was very informative, and the various Australia representatives were compelling and interactive. It is a destination I will definitely recommend my company to consider for meeting or incentive tours.”

IT&CM China hosts the largest and most diverse selection of key MICE buyers in China, and attracts key buyers from various segments covering incentives, association and corporate events. For more information on IT&CM China, visit 

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