Saturday 16 August 2014

International tourism 2014 to bring brighter prospects and results

International tourism continued to follow its upward trajectory in 2014 as in 2013 when it registered a 5% growth, or 52 million more tourists crossing international borders (which brings up the world total to a record 1,087 million arrivals). These results surpassed expectations and early year forecasts despite the lingering global economic challenges and geopolitical shifts. By region, the strongest performers were Asia and the Pacific (+6%), Africa (+6%) and Europe (+5%). Tourism ́s forward momentum is projected to continue in 2014 with a 4% to 4.5% growth, again above UNWTO ́s long – term forecasts.

A relative study
  • Growth was strongest in Asia and the Pacific (+6%), where the number of international tourists grew by 14 million to reach 248 million.
  • Growth in South-East Asia was also accelerated (+10%), while more moderate results were seen in South Asia (+5%), Oceania and North-East Asia (+4% each).
  • The Americas (+4%) saw an increase of six million arrivals, reaching a total of 169 million.
  • Leading this growth were destinations in North and Central America (+4% each), while South America (+2%) and the Caribbean (+1%) showed some slowdown as compared to 2012.
  • Africa (+6%) attracted three million additional arrivals, reaching a new record of 56 million
  • The on-going rebound in North Africa (+6%) and the sustained growth of Sub-Saharan destinations (+5%).
  • Mixed and volatile result was reported in Middle East (+0% at 52 million).
  • Europe remained as the most visited region in the world welcoming an additional of 29 million international tourist arrivals in 2013, raising its total to 563 million. Growth (+5%) exceeded
  • The forecast for 2013 and is double the region’s average for the period 2005-2012 (+2.5% a year). Central and Eastern Europe (+7%) and SouthernMediterranean Europe (+6%) had the best results 
What experts forecast for 2014:-
International tourist arrivals are expected to increase by 4% to 4.5% in 2014, above UNWTO’s Tourism Towards 2030 long-term forecast of +3.8% per year between 2010 and 2020.
Asia and the Pacific holds the strongest regional prospects in 2014 (+5% to +6%) and Africa (+4% to +6%), followed by Europe and the Americas (both +3% to +4%). In the Middle East (0% to +5%), prospects are positive yet volatile.
Quick fact:-
By 2030, the majority of all international tourist arrivals (57%) will be in emerging economy destinations

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