Friday 22 August 2014

Australian team to compete at Macau fireworks competition‏

Australia is among 10 specially selected countries invited to take on this year’s 26th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest with family-owned business, Skylighter Fireworks, preparing for hot competition in the race for the top three places.

Renowned in Australia for its spectacular displays at major sporting events and festivals, the Brisbane firm will compete against Portugal in lighting up the Macau sky - and the famous Macau Tower – with a flurry of colours on Saturday, September 27.

The annual spectacle, which begins on Monday, September 8, to run over three successive Saturday evenings until the final round on Wednesday night, October 1, has attracted other top ranked teams from Taiwan, Croatia, China, France, Korea, Poland, Italy and Spain.

The highly charged contest is one of Macau’s many major events and festivals on its annual calendar, a list which also includes the November 13-16 running of the 61st Macau Grand Prix street race meeting.

Skylighter Fireworks is one of Australia’s premier pyrotechnic display companies, presenting hundreds of pyrotechnic and special effect displays each year.

The company’s credits include New Year’s Eve and Australia Day celebrations for the City of Brisbane at Southbank Parkland, National Fireworks Competition gold medals, and major cultural, corporate and sporting events and festivals throughout Australia.

Owner and founder Max Brunner and his family personally ensure that every event and display produced incorporates “our values of honesty, integrity, creativity, safety and value for money”.

“It will be the first time we will compete at this event and we know it will be a hard challenge against quality opposition,” he said. “But then again anything can happen on the evening.

“We can only do our best and learn and hope we are invited back next year.”

Max is hopeful the trip to Macau will reap benefits for his company and Australia.

Details: Macau Government Tourist Office, phone (02) 9264 1488,

Further details – Skylighter Fireworks, contact Max Brunner on (07) 5547 0510 or email 

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