Thursday 19 June 2014

The meaning of travel

What is the meaning of tourism what is the meaning of what? I like to travel.

I began to enjoy travel in Japan where I lived for 5 years studying. On weekends and holidays I often rode my bicycle through the streets of Osaka. I often took a tram to numerous smaller cities and larger towns. At the time I was student, and was not able to buy an expensive camera. I got little pictures when I went out with only ordinary cell phones (Yes, in 2002 Japan mobile phones had in built cameras.) Most importantly I found Japan culture, fashion, and architecture were very interesting. Just look, just out of the city of Aries there are many opportunities to take photos.

Really I enjoyed Japan studying abroad and enjoyed every journey. Study abroad was a turning point in my life. I have kept the Backpack on my back for more than a year traveling around the world. Gradually I have come to enjoy backpacking. Backpacking quickly became one of my interests. Even now backpacking is indispensable in my daily life, a way of life. However, backpacking is not a thing everyone can afford to do. I suggest you pack the ups and downs of the journey that only you will know. I try to know what happiness is, and what is hard. The point about the Backpacking trip is not about how much money you will save, but you realizing how many priceless travel experiences you have had. Backpacking is more about the beautiful landscapes, people and things encountered during this journey.

Now, I remember clearly enjoying Shang had the mountain, Xia had sea, together air skydiving, together in the snow,  Shang camp fire, seeing stars, and together riding foot car to bubble Spa. I was in bus teaching South Americas the Spain language. When I was in Brazil I helped save a life. When was in the company of others I was in Sydney seeing a musical. I and a companion together easily traveled to the capital of Poland. I have mastered the art of sleeping on many sofas. I have cook many Malaysian dishes for others to eat. 

I dare not say that I was a professional traveler of people, but I would say that I was a tourist who knows how to enjoy every journey. Don't be like a galloping horse. I always slow down and look at every corner. I don't like taking a guided tours, because I do not like "hurry, hurry". I absolutely boycott the concept. I'd rather spend more time in a city, not in a specific time traveling to many different countries. Even sitting in a corner watching the crowd is fun. When I am in front of the famous attractions photos, I think more about the local way of life as a little more interesting.

At least you'll have many travel stories to your children and grandchildren, rather than showing off with them that you've been here and there. I dare not say that I am a professional photographer, but I'm a tourism human.  I don't like waiting at attractions, monuments or memorial arches to take photographs. I think this behavior is an insult to the true meaning of travel. When I see so many people lining up just to be with "to the great wall is not a true man", I feel so sad! Don't go all the way to the great wall in order to take this one photo? A long queue. Not worth mentioning. I wouldn't come to the attractions and take photos like other tourists. Every place i go to I won't shoot a photo first, but I just keep walking slowly, carefully look at the detail to see. Because I want to get a better understanding of the place to capture its unique aspect.

So I look at landscapes and photos taken after telling a lot of people they are not the same. Indeed, travel is not taking pictures.. Enjoying every moment of the journey is the real meaning. I want to instill the true significance of tourism back to everyone. This is what I want to do. So I gave up the town planning job. I don't know if this is the right decision, but I hope that every tourist can enjoy every journey. Put the camera down, carefully look at the world.   
Lam Ching Fu

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