Tuesday 10 June 2014

Castles of legend

Come and recreate history in the inland regions of Spain by visiting its numerous castles and fortresses. This is an ideal way of learning more about the country's historical and artistic heritage while you explore the sites of battles, and imagine the life of a knight errant or a princess at the height of the Middle Ages. Come in and discover the monuments which are open to visitors, and enjoy the dramatised tours available at some of the sites for an extra special experience.

Looking for ideas for a short break? We suggest a trip to Castile-La Mancha to visit some of its fortifications through the routes around the castles of Albacete , Ciudad Real , Cuenca , Guadalajara and Toledo . These are itineraries which are ideal for weekends, and which include features such as Almansa Castle , one of the settings of the Battle of Almansa, in Albacete; and in Ciudad Real, the site of the castle of Calatrava la Nueva , which was at one time the headquarters of the Order of Calatrava; the spectacular example of mediaeval palatial architecture at Belmont e Castle in Cuenca; the chance to follow in the footsteps of the legendary El Cid Campeador in the castles of Guadalajara; and discover the imprint of Christians and Muslims in the fortresses of Toledo.

Dramatised Visits

There are castles which guarantee an entertaining visit while you learn all about the monument. These are places offering dramatised visits, and include the castles of Consuegra (Toledo) and Doña Berenguela (Ciudad Real). Furthermore, once a year Belmonte Castle (Cuenca) stages a major re-enactment of the 15th-century War of the Castilian Succession, which lasts several days and takes visitors back in time to the Middle Ages. Likewise, Oropesa Castle (Toledo) organises birdwatching events from its towers.

Practical Tips

  • These routes are designed to be done at your own pace in a few days using your own vehicle.
  • We recommend spending the night in some of the castles along the way. A good place to do this would be the Castle of Pilas Bonas (Ciudad Real) or the castles which are today the site of Parador hotels, such as the castles of Sigüenza (Guadalajara), Alarcón (Cuenca), and Oropesa (Toledo). If you want to find out more about other unusual accommodation, visit this link
  • The date of the historical re-enactment at Belmonte Castle varies from year to year, so we recommend checking dates in advance.
  • Advance booking is required for guided visits and to take part in the historical re-enactment at Belmonte Castle.
  • The dramatised visits are highly recommended, particularly for people travelling with children.
  • The performances are usually only in Spanish, but this is still a very entertaining way to explore the spaces in the castle, and you may even pick up a little Spanish!

Information and Bookings

Route of the Castles
  • Ruta de los castillos de Albacete
  • Ruta de los castillos de Ciudad Real
  • Ruta de los castillos de Cuenca
  • Ruta de los castillos de Guadalajara
  • Ruta de los castillos de Toledo

Dramatised visits

  • Castillo de Consuegra
Consuegra (Toledo)
Tel.:+34 678748009
  • Castillo de Belmonte
Belmonte (Cuenca)
Tel.:+34 678646486
  • Castillo de Doña Berenguela
Bolaños de Calatrava (Ciudad Real)
Tel.:+34 926870027
  • Fundación Áquila
Birdwatching from the towers of Oropesa Castle
Tel.:+34 925430201

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