Wednesday 14 May 2014

Spirit of Freedom swims with Dwarf Minke Whales

Swimming with dwarf minke whales on the Great Barrier Reef is a life changing experience, you'll never forget with Spirit of Freedom.

These inquisitive mammals of the sea migrate to the northern Ribbon Reefs each year, providing a very few, lucky swimmers / divers with the opportunity for close encounters between June and July.

Coming eye to eye with a dwarf minke whale in the open ocean is both memorable and magical; with these experiences led by the whales themselves, who often approach boats, divers and snorkelers.

Although called 'dwarf', these whales can grow up to 8m long and weigh several tonnes. With attractive and distinctive grey and white colourings / markings, dwarf minke whales are highly maneuverable in the water and seem to enjoy initiating contact with humans.

Spirit of Freedom has been encountering these curious cetaceans since they commenced Ribbon Reef operations in 2002. They are also one of only a few operators to hold a 'Swim with Dwarf Minke Whales Special Tourism Permission', through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

This permission allows divers and snorkelers to enter the water in close quarters with the dwarf minke whales during their migration period to the Great Barrier Reef.

Spirit of Freedom follows strict guidelines for interacting with dwarf minke whales, allowing the whales to control the encounter and approach swimmers / divers on their terms. They are proud supporters and long term contributors to the Minke Whale Project.

Enquiries: Trina Baker, Sales Manager, Spirit of Freedom
phone 61 7 4047 9104 or

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