Saturday 24 May 2014

Global leaders share how Sydney Shines

Sydney Shines, Business Events Sydney’s new branding launched today at IMEX Frankfurt, is the story of this city that is open to bright ideas: a city that not only welcomes challenge, but thrives on it.The brand provides a platform to share the many facets of Australia’s global city – to explore Sydney’s ingenuity and ability to bring creative concepts to reality, with its bright minds and unique natural environment.

“Sydney is a youthful city, unshackled by centuries of tradition. We have a history of changing the rules and of charting our own path to success. Our city bursts with energy, optimism and potential. There’s this sense that anything is possible, that if we put our mind to it we can achieve anything.”“Through a broad research process, these were the attributes that both local and international participants identified as being “authentically” Sydney,” said Lyn Lewis-Smith, CEO of Business Events Sydney .

“To help us tell this story, a strong group of brand ambassadors from so many walks of life have come together to share their unique perspective on the innovation that stems from the city and State that we love.”Dr Pia Winberg, Founder and Director, Venus Shell Systems Pty Ltd and BESydney Future Leader, said, “Sydney’s got a visionary culture and feel to it. There’s no door that’s closed, there’s no idea that is forbidden… and so we can afford to be really creative and innovative… and come up with things that will really work in the future.”

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