Monday 3 February 2014

CLIA Cruise Report Highlights Australia's Cruising Growth

Ann Sherry
Carnival Australia CEO Ann Sherry has welcomed the latest international State of the Cruise update from Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the world’s largest cruise industry trade association.

The report highlights the phenomenal growth of Australian cruising showing increase of 130 per cent in passenger numbers over the past five years.

Ms Sherry said Australia’s cruise industry expansion and its high ranking in the top five international growth markets was a further sign of the dynamic nature of cruising in this region and Carnival Australia’s leadership of the local industry based on 80 years of cruising.

“Such phenomenal growth in this market has given Australian and New Zealand travellers access to exceptional choice in terms of cruise lines, ships itineraries and onboard features,” Ms Sherry said.

“Cruising here has something to offer every market segment with locally or seasonally based ships plus international ships visiting during the height of the summer cruise season.”

CLIA’s statistics also confirm that cruising continues to grow worldwide with passenger numbers for 2013 estimated at 21.3 million and forecast to increase to 21.7 million this year.

According to the CLIA State of the Cruise update, its member cruise lines are planning to introduce 24 new ships in 2014-2015 increasing total passenger capacity to more than 37,500.

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