Sunday 16 February 2014

Business Events Week 2014 set to enlighten delegates with new facts and figures

Karen Bolinger, Chief Executive Officer of the Melbourne Convention Bureau (MCB), will open Business Events Week 2014 by releasing the findings of the Melbourne Convention Delegate Study 2013 on Monday. The new research presents data on the significant contribution of business events hosted in Melbourne to the Australian economy.

Karen Bolinger will be joined by appointed Business Events Week Ambassador, Professor Ian Chubb AC, Australia’s Chief Scientist; Professor Paul Zimmet AO, Director Emeritus, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute; and Sherrif Karamat, Chief Operating Officer, Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA).

An initiative of MCB, Business Events Week is a week-long program of activities designed to showcase the value of business events to Australia; from generating economic wealth and export opportunities, right through to driving tourism and creating lasting legacies for Australia’s knowledge community.


Media conference: Official opening of Business Events Week and release of key findings from the Melbourne Convention Delegate Study 2013
Date: Monday, 17 February, 2014
Time: 9.30am – 10.30am
Location: Clarendon Room A, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (Entry via Clarendon Street)

Karen Bolinger: Chief Executive Officer, MCB
Professor Ian Chubb AC: Australia’s Chief Scientist and Business Events Week 2014 Ambassador
Professor Paul Zimmet AO: Director Emeritus, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute; Adjunct Professor, Monash University; Honorary President of the International Diabetes Federation; Programme Chair World Diabetes Congress; and Club Melbourne Ambassador
Sherrif Karamat: Chief Operating Officer, PCMA

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