Sunday 16 February 2014

Brand USA Marketing Efforts Driving Growth in International Arrivals and Spend Study Shows

Brand USA Marketing Efforts Generated Over 1 Million Incremental Visitors to the United States in FY2013

Brand USA has announced that its marketing is having a significant and positive impact on U.S. international arrivals and the U.S. economy, as reported in a study conducted by Oxford Economics.

As detailed in the report, for the year-ended September 30, 2013, Brand USA’s marketing campaigns generated 1.1 million incremental visitors to the United States—a 2.3 percent increase over growth that would have occurred without Brand USA marketing initiatives. These additional visitors spent $3.4 billion in the United States, including travel and U.S. carrier fare receipts.

This spending fuels the U.S. economy by generating $7.4 billion in business sales, $3.8 billion in GDP, and $2.2 billion in personal income, as well as supporting 53,000 new jobs. The results equate to a marketing return on investment of 47:1 based on Brand USA’s marketing expenses of $72 million and incremental international visitor spend of $3.4 billion.

Brand USA is the public-private partnership responsible for promoting tourism globally to the United States. The effort is designed to fuel the United States’ economy and spur job growth. Its formation marked the launch of the United States first nationally coordinated international tourism marketing effort.

The study includes analysis of eight markets – Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Mexico and the United Kingdom – where Brand USA fully executed consumer, trade outreach and co-op programs.

“The U.S. tourism industry is a significant component of the U.S. GDP, exports and employment. International tourism is not only one of America's best levers for creating jobs, growing exports and driving economic growth, the benefits also extend well beyond the travel industry to include retail, restaurants, transportation and other businesses,” says Christopher Thompson, president and CEO of Brand USA.

To access the full report, entitled “The Return on Investment of Brand USA Marketing: 2013 Fiscal Year Analysis,” and obtain more information about Brand USA, please visit

Brand USA

Brand USA is the public-private partnership responsible for promoting the United States as a premier travel destination and communicating U.S. entry polies and procedures. Established by the Travel Promotion Act in 2010, the organization’s mission is to increase international visitation to the United States while working in partnership with the travel industry to maximize the economic and social benefits of travel. These benefits include jobs essential to the economy and fostering understanding between people and cultures.

For industry or partner information about Brand USA, visit For information about exceptional and unexpected travel experiences in the United States, please visit Brand USA’s consumer website at

Oxford Economics

Oxford Economics is one of the world’s leading providers of economic analysis, forecasts and consulting advice. Founded in 1981 as a joint venture with Oxford University’s business college, Oxford Economics enjoys a reputation for high quality, quantitative analysis and evidence-based advice. For this, its draws on its own staff of 80 highly-experienced professional economists; a dedicated data analysis team; global modeling tools, and a range of partner institutions in Europe, the US and in the United Nations Project Link. Oxford Economics has offices in New York, Philadelphia, London, Oxford, Dubai, and Singapore. Oxford Economics is a key adviser to corporate, financial and government decision-makers and thought leaders. Its worldwide client base now comprises over 1,000 international organizations, including leading multinational companies and financial institutions; key government bodies and trade associations; and top universities, consultancies, and think tanks.

Tourism Economics

Tourism Economics is an Oxford Economics subsidiary with vast experience in providing actionable and credible analysis of tourism. Tourism Economics works with national and local tourism offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa as well as some of the largest tourism service companies in the world. Hundreds of destinations and companies have trusted the staff of Tourism Economics to help them make better marketing, investment, and policy decisions based on credible fact-based, quantitative analysis.

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