Saturday 11 January 2014

Vietnam has recorded 250,000 of Russian tourist arrivals in 2013

Russia was ranked the first out of all top countries sending citizens to Vietnam with 250,000 arrivals in 2013. This was determined by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT), presenting a year on year of 71 percent.

It is the second consecutive year that Russia is ranked in the first position of the top leading countries sending a great number of tourists to Vietnam.

Russian travelers are charmed to the warm sea, wild and beautiful beaches, natural landscapes, cultural and historical sites, friendly people, healthy and attractive dishes of Vietnam, said the ATOR – Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

In addition, Vietnam had offered visa exemption for Russian to enter the nation within 15 days since 2009, and had extended the visa- free stay to 30 days since 2013.

The Vietnamese tourism industry expects to be able to receive 300,000 Russian visitors in 2014.Russian tourism experts said that 29 Russian cities have proposed to offer direct flights to Vietnam.

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